• expired

Ultimate Beauty Digital Resources Bundle US$67 (~A$105.43) @ Positive Impact Project


71% off beauty & wellness digital products - $4K total RRP included

20 beauty, health, and wellness experts courses, ebooks, programs and downloads. Including celebrity content.
Over $14,000 in total value worth of resources, RRP US$4,000.
Only US$67 but ONLY for 7 days and ends on 28th Feb.

Get access to:

  • Life Coaching Program with Ari Zucker (Actress from Days of Our Lives)
  • Perimenopause Coaching Program (Normally $997!)
  • So much more!

Grab TheUltimateBeautyBundle

PLUS A portion of every sale goes to charity to provide life saving resources.

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Positive Impact Project
Positive Impact Project


  • +3

    $14,000 for $67 must be the deal of the year on Ozbargain !!!

    Thanks for posting.

    Just going to watch the click through numbers……

  • +1

    so 99% off - $67 . How much is 100% off ? 0 ? I will choose 100% off

  • +1

    This is just one of those low quality bundles with absurdly high "RRP".

    Be real. You'll do the same, or very similar deals repeatedly.

    • +2

      This is some wish level pricing. Even they are this out there

    • -2

      This isn't a low quality product. The sole purpose is to fund charitable donations. The RRP is $4k. The total value inside is $14K as advertised on their individual product pages. Check out positiveimpactproject.org if you really want to see why we are doing this.

      • +2

        When was it last sold at $4K?

      • The sole purpose is to fund charitable donations.

        If thats the case maybe you should divulge how much of a 'portion' is going to charity. Looks pretty scammy to me to not divulge what it is.

  • +3

    Over $14,000 in total value, $4K RRP USD worth of resources

    How does 14K convert to US$4K?

    Edit - Op just changed the title to $4K because that sounds more reasonable lol. Thanks for confirming fake normal price.

    • -6

      Hey! It's not a fake price. This is the value of each individual product included as advertised on their sales pages for their products. The RRP of what they sell for might be different. I have adjusted to RRP to make it easier for people to fathom. These celebrities and contributors have included their price to help us donate. That is all.. We are doing this to donate to charity and give a positive impact to those who don't have the financial means to sustain themselves. Thanks for posting though. It is appreciated.

      • +3

        I have adjusted to RRP to make it easier for people to fathom

        I'm still not fathoming. Maybe make the rrp a little lower.

      • +2

        We are doing this to donate to charity

        And what percentage is this?

        From your website:

        A portion of every sale of the Ultimate Beauty Bundle is donated to causes that create positive change in the world.

        Also are you a registered charity? Why is this so hard to find in your infinity scrolling website? It seems purposely hidden.

    • Fake RRP

  • +2

    With a total value of $14,846!

    which no one ever has paid

  • +3

    I checked the site and I could not find a figure, or even a % of how much is going to charity.Thats a big red flag there.

  • +4

    Spruiks donations to a charity - doesn’t actually divulge how much or if business is actually registered. Plus this is in usd…

    • +1

      Goes to one of those charity's that pays themselves first and has a director or something on crazy $1m plus salary and the leftovers go to some other charity.. ponzi scheme charity

  • +1

    OzBargain dog pile time.

    • +1

      My thoughts exactly

  • +2

    I paid $14,000 last week, can I get a refund?

  • +2

    Hahaah… no. I am pretty sure the ACCC takes a really dim view of inflated RRP and fake "discount" prices.

    • +2

      Not even gonna give them the benefit of an extra click through but is this mob based in australia? If so why is it charging in usd lol

      • +2

        OMG, im not clicking on that shit. It would be riddled with Google Adwords cookies and I would be forever getting "recommendations" for "similar products" like say, life coaching from other career celebrities…

        Life Coaching Program with Ari Zucker

        LOL… just what I needed. A life coaching lesson from a well off, genetically gifted white actress that has never known about life's challenges from her position of privilege. There would be plenty of "pull yourself up by the boot straps" in that TED talk.

        • Love those ones

          ‘All I had to do was work hard, play hard, and this insane trust fund left to me had nothing to do with it’

  • +2

    Positive Impact Project, negative Ozbargain score

  • +2

    @tomd1980 - genuinely curious about the upvote here. Why?

    • +3

      Oops, total mistake! Thanks for letting me know.
      Can I cancel it? Update: revoked! :)

  • Wow zero for 11.
    How about you adjust your rrp again to a realistic price that we might actually believe?

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