Looks like Costco is selling the iPhone 16 Plus 128GB right now at $1,479.99, lower than other retailers.
OW pricebeat (currently $1,517) should bring this down to $1,405.99. https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/c/technology…
Looks like Costco is selling the iPhone 16 Plus 128GB right now at $1,479.99, lower than other retailers.
OW pricebeat (currently $1,517) should bring this down to $1,405.99. https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/c/technology…
Ahha exactly. But wait a minute… the all new iPhone 16e starts at $1000. But looks like an xr. I love Apple but they get away with the same models/similar features and say “it’s new”
Wait till apple has foldable phone it will make headlines in every newspaper as break through technology from apple
The iPhone 16 (a much better phone than the 16e) is only slightly more… why on earth did they bother with the 16e?!?
Apple doing weird shenanigans lately and it’s getting worse.
I agree with you. Makes no sense really. It has a new chipset and usb c, but otherwise any other base iPhone after 13 would be a better choice!
@fozzie: It also has a four core chip instead of six cores (A18) in the 16 series , also the 16 E is sporting apples own c1 modem. Only time will tell how that plays out and no MagSafe charge ! Is it worth it ? You decide.
is only slightly more
Nothing weird about it. Suddenly the 16 ain't so bad.
I agree but… Just been looking into this for my gf as she was waiting for a new SE. Ended up working out better to get straight 16 than 16e.
Her parents though - quite like the 16e because they dont take many photos and want something that will get updated for as long as possible. So maybe it will end up being a boomer phone.
iPhone 15 seems like the better buy than iPhone 16e. you just lose Apple AI (it sucks right now), maybe 1-2 years big iOS updates and a bit worse battery life, but you gain Magsafe, Ultrawide band, dynamic island (for those who like it). who cares about 1-2 years less iOS. everyone is trying to live their best life right? I prefer just cram the better features in for a shorter period. you can +3 years of security only updates after big iOS updates end anyway, if security is concerning to you.
16e has some "special" features (get it?! because special edition) such as apple modem (power efficient) and better battery life than 15 and 16 (most of this is because the screen is not as bright than iPhone 15).
some of these "special" features of 16e apparently is it's missing magsafe and Ultra wide band chip (both bummer), camera button and dynamic island (who cares about both of these both terrible, when you hold the phone normally the camera button is in a spot you accidentally open the camera all the time so a lot of users switch it to do nothing, dynamic island is something "cool" that most users don't even notice is there). a few reviewers also say the notch was the better design because it is less in the way when using landscape mode. ymmv. 💁♀️
+1 for buying 15 (1000nits + 2000nits max, Magsafe + UWB, no crappy AI you have to delete with rainbow border animation (just good old Siri, yes good Siri now because AI Siri is so borked), no camera button of 16 (gimmick) but you get dynamic island. 2GB less RAM than 16e but apparently thats mainly because of Apple AI anyway. UWB is handy for all the modern tech that will come that supports it.
-1 for buying 16e (800 nits + 1200 nits max) no Magsafe, crappy AI, no dynamic island (not a big deal but for anyone that cares).
so it's a +2 for buying 15 imo.
is only slightly more
There is a $400 price difference, I wouldn't call that "slightly more"
@bunnybash: By that same logic the iPhone 16e might be regularly discounted, you can't compare RRP to discounts
@deanylev: Fair, though we don't know how much of a discount the 16E will get once resellers start selling it.
The only facts we have right now is that the RRP is $999, and you can also pick up a regular 16 right now for $1280 from costco, or 1216 from officeworks with price beat.
If costco start selling the 16FE on day 1 for $899 then suddenly the gap widens again.
Lots of companies issue iPhones to employees, and you can bet that when the SE runs out of stock they'll be shifting plenty of these
only explanation for the narrow price gap between the 16E and 16 is that they're gearing up to increase the base price of the iphones going forward to make the 16E look better value :|
"I love apple but know I'm getting screwed"
What this plus model is still 60hz i thought the se is 60
Yes same as the base iPhone models. But has a massive notch and only 1 camera. Looks like the xr.
Aiya… apple you have done it again.. keep ripping people off… no good steve jobs!
Ludicrous pricing.
Apple tax.
Woolworths have the 16 129G for $1315. You might have to order the color (see what I did there !)
Personally, my experience with Apple is that one a day keeps the Doctor away. Really does the Jobs
That's a lot of Apples to buy.
And this is supposedly a bargain.
Human eye can only see 60hz /s
I'm thinking of getting out of apple eco systems gradually and move back to non-iPhones but what confuses me is when the device manufacturers, android have their different bloatware and settings … but yeah actively looking for a decent android phone
Weak AUD…
$1500 for a phone that will last 5+ years, and possibly more with a battery replacement is a good deal
Why when you buy 3 cheap ones. You can use one a year
and deal wth a cheap phone for 100+ unlocks a day + an aergae of 3-5 hour sscreen time, not worth it
Don't do such impulsive shopping and wait for ip 17 to come. Rumor says all 17 models are equipped with LTPO 1-120HZ fresh rate, even on standard model.
16E would be the only 60HZ model apple offers
Don't do such impulsive shopping and wait for ip 31 to come. Rumor says all 31 models are equipped with LTPO 1-720HZ fresh rate, even on standard model and gold plate at just aud 888
That’s stupid wait for iPhone 32 to come out, THEN buy an iPhone 31 for cheap
Found the true Ozbargainer.
17 won't be cheap. Trump's tariffs will ensure there is a hefty jump in the American prices, and the other markets will match the American prices.
Orange man bad!!!!
Why ? Not starting any new wars ⁉️
Cant believe people are still content with 60hz screen in 2025 LOL
It's fine. And I've used Pixel 9 Pro series with 120Hz.
Eh I just want a screen I can actually read outdoors in summer.
Counterpoint - I can’t believe people willingly pay extra to lose battery life on a gimmick.
I’m all for high refresh rate on a gaming screen, or a large format screen, but on something ~6” and on battery - insane.
Whats screen size got to do with refresh rate? Tell me you know nothing about refresh rate without telling me you know nothing about refresh rate.
i’ve been saying this for ages and get downvoted lol it’s a gimmick that has no function and just uses battery faster
it's worth it if you record a video of the screen and slow it down 1/2 times when you watch it though. 🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv-dqTyef9E
On such small screen for normal phone usage its not noticeable. You would be just downvoted by b*tthurt android fan boys who for some reason cant scroll past Apple deals. The first commentor is prime example
What's the point? Majority of YouTube content is 60fps at best and Netflix is only 24.
Android phones do have high fps, but only sustained under certain conditions or screens.
It's just not worth killing your battery for.
i have an ipad pro with 120hz, you can turn off the higher rate to stay at 60. i really thought it’d save a bit of juice but after 3 years of trying it makes no diff
Point is 60hz makes the user experience horrible when doing everyday things like scrolling, opening apps etc.
Makes the user experience horrible for you. The vast majority of everyone else could not care less.
@ONEMariachi: Keep believing it. Apple sheep are really something.
Even my wife who knows nothing about tech can tell how laggy the screen becomes with 60hz setting.
And you represent the majority do you? Sorry I didn't realise there was an election to vote you to represent the "majority".
By that logic, you should just get a 10 year old phone.
@keejoonc: Unbelievable that people would argue against high refresh rate screens.
Fanboy mentality never ceases to amuse 😄
@Fappo: I can see how it makes a difference but on a phone screen?? Nah none of my family members noticed any difference at all. I would be getting the cheaper device rather than the pro model. But android fanboys need something on the paper to bicker about. They will nag regardless.
@Tinybargain: There's definitely a difference. I noticed it 4 years ago on my PocoX3Pro, which costed less than the apple earphones. If you didn't notice it, you've gotta go to Specsavers
@ccir: Yes its either that or the delulu android fanboys obsession about it. Seems like you ignored other people who dont find it any different.
@Tinybargain: It's not an obsession, but when I bought my last phone it was one of the top priorities and any phone with a 60hz screen I did not even consider as an option.
I am not loyal to any phone brand and was considering getting an iPhone, but when I realised that only the latest top end models had high refresh rate screens that made my decision much easier to jump on a pixel 9 xl deal.
Some people may not notice the difference or care about it much. That's fine. The most jarring experience for me was when I went back to using a 60hz phone after using 120hz for quite a long time. The phone just felt unpleasant to use in comparison and no way would I consider going back.
@Fappo: Yes, the people that don't care about refresh rates are the fanboys. The logic is impecable.
I have no idea why people think this is such a killer for a phone. PC gaming, sure. But who other than neckbeards does this inconvenience?
There's about 9 dudes that need their facebook scrolling to be smoother, and that's about it.
I posted this in forums. most ozb forum users didn't seem impressed.. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/893170
Do office works honour price beat for "membership" stores like Costco? So they'd also price match Amazon with Prime offers? As i recall JB Hi Fi wouldn't match membership stores?
Will Officeworks require to see a Costco m’ship to match it? Thanks!
no, they won't. Just show them the price on the website. Match plus 5% off
Ah Iphones…..lol lol lol……101.101.101……404 error
As a long fan of the iPhones - especially their mini, the SE (2016), and anything from the 6s and below - I think I'm done with iPhones when my 13 mini is no longer sustainable.
I expected/ anticipated/ hoping that the iPhone 16e (e for 'ewww') would be on a smaller body taken from the 13 mini - but alas it was not meant to be.
Also the asking price of $1000+ for a downgraded version of 16 isn't appealing (its cheaper/ similar to get a 15 pro in preowned but mint condition).
$1500 for a 60hz 128GB phone. Wow!