Disney+ Household Sharing

I was part of a Disney+ household through OzB and it ended up closing because it kept getting flagged for different locations. I'd log in, then be told something along the lines of 'this device isn't registered to your household' and the owner would be sent a SMS verification code each time.

The Disney definition of household says 'Disney+ does not collect and use precise geolocation data to detect and establish your Household'. So…it's just based on a regularly shared internet connection or…something else?

I was wondering…if I shared an account with three other people from my apartment complex (who all have different internet connections), is it likely this would pass, or would it probably still be flagged?

Or is it just luck and the account I was sharing with was just unlucky to be flagged so heavily?

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  • +1

    Turkish based Disney account doesn't seem to have this issue.

  • +1

    I mean if you knew how they protected their product from location hacks, then this post would not exist. I'm guessing that's the point in Disney doing whatever it is they do to max out their profits.
    Pretty sure there's multiple ways they can figure out they are being milked, at any given time, and maybe now AI is active they somehow use it to join the dots. eg, AI looking at ppl discussing Disney+ on forums, linking it into an algorithm or two, who is discussing and where, and bingo,

  • +3

    It's a pretty simple algorithm to compare an actual "household" to "randos sharing costs" …

    A true "household" would have the same devices accessing content from the same IP addresses at some point in 30-60 days, etc …

    A group of "randos sharing costs" would never access the service from the same IP adddresses, ever …

    And I am sure corporate algorithms are far more advanced than that (it wouldn't be hard to train an AI on "true household" vs "rando groups" behaviours either)

    • +1

      pretty sure like the little man in the fridge, disney sends a hidden mickey to check on everyone to ensure they are part of the same hosuehold

      • Who'd have thought, mickey the little rata who acts all harmless is a snitch.

        • I bets its Donald, not Mickey. I don't trust that duck!

          • @BewareOfThe Dog: A friend of the working man who's always down on his luck, exploited by the ultra rich

            Perfect cover story 🤔

  • +1

    Just sail the high sea….
    Spending days finding how to safely share… few weeks latee got closed… repeat.. waste your time…..

  • I share too and I'm thinking of letting the family I share with set them as the main household and I just watch it through a web browser with Apple's Private Relay enabled, as Disney+ doesn't seem to discriminate against Private Relay. I'd like to cancel it altogether but as long as I only need to pay 1/4 I think I'm fine with using it in a browser. It's nice to have things in highest quality with correct HDR, instead of the crapshoot piracy is if you want to watch things as soon as they launch. I would be happy to wait a few hours for good rips to come up though..

    • +2

      Desperdao FOMO
      Must watch as soon as released
      It's amazing how dumb it is to think watching anything sooner is a gain on any level of importance.
      I mean, if that's a thing for ppl, they should cough up. Or better still, have the underlying syndrome treated

  • +2

    So it flagged you for different locations because you used it in different locations. Guess it worked.

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