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[XSX, PS5] Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 $49 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Seems to be the lowest price this has been so far

Xbox Series X

PlayStation 5

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • God this game is getting a flogging, should be this cheap seeing as though it’s P2P these days.


    • Angry Joe reviewed it favourably.
      I generally use him as a good barometer

      • Yeah seen that before, i usually go off my game experience and the fact that no one is on it these days. The first Zombies map was a cracker, then it just went South. Warzone you struggle to get a full lobby, Multiplayer is probably the busiest, but still pretty lame

  • +2

    I think that review is a bit harsh.

    I'm really enjoying the zombies part of the game, although I miss the open world of MW3 zombies.
    My major gripe is that the devs put more effort into releasing money making operator and weapon skins than they do in ironing out annoying bugs and killing off the cheaters. Still .. the frequency of updates is impressive to be fair.

    I was a die hard Battlefield player, but I've given up after being burnt on two crap releases in a row. I miss the vehicle mechanics though…

    • +1

      Make cod great again
      Agree releasing micro transaction skins vs fixing game is infuriating
      Need warzone to be its own game

  • I bought the game for $64 before Christmas and thought that was a good deal at the time

    • Just go Gamepass. Paying full price for COD is silly.

      • +1

        Gamepass is one of the worst value propositions ever.

        You are paying heaps per year for gamepass, microsoft have already raised the price, tried to again and will in the future.

        Once the subscription ends, access to the game is gone. If they decide to pull the game or censor it, it's gone.

        It's a glorified rental system where when it goes, you end up with nothing and it pulls money from releases which in the long run hurts gaming.

        Just buy a physical version.

        • -2

          Where did you hear all that nonsense?

          A 12 month subscription to GamePass is $275.40 if you pay in Australian Dollar. $150 if you use a VPN.
          Microsoft are the worlds biggest publisher now, all their owned games will be on GamePass and because Microsoft own Activision they wont remove it.

          COD is pretty bad these days, so all you need to do is play a few other games and GamePass pays for itself.

          • @Aliensf: $275 per year for gamepass!? wtf. You legit? do you need gamepass to play online? if so, man consoles dont seem worth it now. Whats PSN+ these days?
            At that price I'm Glad I joined PC master race, no subcription online access, best graphics and all the games from every platform, even switch

            • -1

              @Captain Cheapskate: Thats the price for Ultimate, which lets you play on PC, Xbox, and cloud streaming while allowing online features. PC only GamePass is $13.95 a month or $167 a year. Pretty good value if you are on a budget and dont want to pay full price for games that you never really own anyway.

              If I went back to PC, I would just sail the sea's. Yarrrrr.

        • -1


          Gamepass is one of the worst value propositions ever.

          You are paying heaps per year for gamepass,

          What, the annual price of gamepass is only about the price of three games.

          You only have to play four new games per year to be saving money, it's awesome value 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

          • @Nom: You arent saving money if you are accumulating licenses you don't have any control over.

            • @typhoonadventure: Weird take.
              If you get to play 4 new games this year when you've only paid for 3 then you're definitely saving money.

              Nobody is arguing that Gamepass gives you "control over" the licences.

              It's simply a cheap way to access brand new games.

      • +1

        I have a PS5 mate

        • Damn, that sucks. Go PC next gen so you get all the games.

  • +1

    Aweosme game. Not for everyone. But right up my alley.

    • +1

      Still worth it if I'm just after single player campaign? I liked MW2 and 3 campaigns.

      • +1

        I bought it for this reason but ended up getting distracted playing multiplayer in Nuketown lol

      • +1

        Loving the campaign. Downloading all the updates is a pain tho.

      • For $50.. yes

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