How Do I Return a Faulty Logitech MX Master 3S from Officeworks?

Hi, I purchased a Logitech MX Master 3S from Officeworks today.

I just unboxed it and try to switch on. It keeps red and green light blinking. I just checked and it seems to be a firmware issue. The support and troubleshooting docs says to update the firmware, but in my case, mouse is not visible at all. I tried connecting with Bluetooth, connecting wired, connecting with LogiBolt dongle, but the mouse doesn't seem to be visible. Tried with different devices.

How can I get it fixed? I need to get this mouse fixed or buy a new one as I need to get this claimed from my office. But since this is faulty, I can't present.

So, how should I proceed with Officeworks? Is there anyone here has similar experience with another device? I prefer getting a replacement right away as I can't keep waiting until they check and get back. Should I go right away to the same store where I purchased, or should I contact hotline and check first?

Thanks in advance.

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  • +11

    Most likely they will just swap with a new one without a question. Why don't you just take it there and ask?

    • +19

      Not without Ozb permission :)

      • +1

        She/he should have asked ozb first before buying that mouse. Most likely more expensive than the deals posted here.

        • +2

          OP can get it claimed from work tho, so it doesn't matter how much it costs.

          • @CodeXD: Yea. Cost doesn't matter as I can get a replacement.
            Will just check with them tomorrow.
            Thanks all

    • Just to make sure everything is fine for the swap, I just checked. The serial number in the box is different than one in the mouse. I'm gonna share that as well with them, otherwise they'll probably accuse me even though I didn't do anything except for trying to connect an unboxed mouse.

      EDIT : Apparently that's not a concern and that can happen

  • +3

    What did they say when you called them?

    Aa long as you have your OW receipt, it will be fine, as long as you take it back to OW (not HN, JB, GG etc)

    • I tested in my office laptop, just came home an hour ago and tested with personal laptop to make sure its not a laptop specific issue as well. So, at that time it was closed.
      So, couldn't check with them.
      Will be taking it to OW tomorrow to check

  • +7

    This thread could have been avoided by a simple trip to the store.

    • Are you mad? How is such a suggestion on these forums not inflammatory?

  • You are seriously overthinking. Just take it back. If its DOA they will swap it.

    • Sure. I'm gonna take that to the same store today.
      But how they're gonna check whether it's DOA ?

      • They probably won't check. And if its as dead as you say it is, it won't work with any of the display laptops which they can easily plug it into.

        • Thanks.
          That's better. It keeps red and green blinking.
          Tried only my personal laptop and office one both it doesn't show on in Bluetooth devices. Even doesn't show with a cable. So, I'm sure of it.

          Anyway, Thanks a lot.

          • @perthguy92: You've swallowed a trumpet bought a boat.
            Green light on the starboard (right) side, and a red light on the port (left) side of a vessel.

  • +2

    Officeworks is probably the easiest place in the world to return something thats faulty, either for a full refund or a swap for another one. Just go in and ask.

    • Yea gonna take it today. I'm more than happy to get a swap because I need the mouse. So totally fine with that.

  • Acknowledging that the issue has been resolved, how come you simply just didn't go to them in the first place?

    Is it the first time you've bought something from them or a store? Or the first time that something you've bought is not functioning correctly?

    Seems a lot of posts popping up about people seeking online validation before going back to the source, so I'm just trying to understand the intent.

    • Probably worried that they will catch him for trying to replace a broken mouse he bought elsewhere, and needed some ozb support for peace of mind.

  • Someone didn't read the instructions first.

  • +1

    Update?? - don't leave us hanging. I'm fully invested in this series. Also, are you considering a season 2?

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