On-Demand/Immediate Roadside Assistance?

any good RA providers that can purchased on the spot//instant covererage, without a waiting period? emergency use



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    Towies,,, though not quite immediate

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    Just call RAA/NRMA or whatever on the phone, and they will sign you up on the fly with higher $$$ - "On-Road Join and Go" fee - Google AI

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      Sometimes if you're lucky they will waive the joining fee.

      It happened to me once in the past maybe they were desperate.

      • Well pretty soon their services going to get redundant, with a new generation of cars, they can't do much than organising a towing lol

        • +2

          Well pretty soon ………………………………….


        • +4

          It's been that way for decades. Cars don't breakdown often, but when they do it's often not a simple fix that can be done on the side of the road.

          Most of the roadside assist jobs are for changing tyres, running out of fuel and flat batteries.

          • +1


            Cars don't breakdown often, but when they do it's often not a simple fix that can be done on the side of the road.

            That's why you need to belong to get the 'free' tow to your workshop.

      • A few years ago I had to use NRMAs "On-Road Join and Go", when I broke down in country Victoria on New Years day.
        As a not existing member, this includes a one off fee.
        But, when my renewal next came up, iirc the renewal price was pretty much the same as the "On-Road Join and Go" price.
        i.e. the "penalty" for needing their service as a non member didn't seem real.
        Your experience may differ.

        • I see it like insuring your vehicle. You don't need it till you need it.

          Mine includes key replacement, one free windscreen chip repair a year more distance towing as we travel a bit and. accommodation

          • +1

            @CurlCurl: windscreen insurance is a must for newer cars cause every windscreen replacement nowadays require adaptive cruise control calibration which can be quite expensive

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    if you have a old bomb car, ist cheaper to just have nrma for peace of mind.

  • bikies … just hand out meth instead of $$

  • Marry a mechanic, have them sit in the passenger seat

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    The only immediate type of roadside assistant I suspect would be a genie

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    Learn to change a tyre, carry jumper cables or a jump start battery and know how to use them. Keep an eye on the fuel guage and you're unlikely to ever need immediate roadside assist.

    If something else goes wrong, call a tow truck.

  • An issue I found with a recent "total" break-down… V8 big end bearing collapsed, engine stopped firing and car crawled to a stop.

    RACV Gold Member, so a phone call to organise a tow, fully explaining the problem. A bit of time passed, I was out in the bush, but read on…

    A mechanic arrived, heard my yarn, he had a look and agreed that it was ****ed and said that he'll organise a tow truck for me.

    "But wait", I said, "I asked for a tow when I rang, why did they send you?".

    The reply "They have to send a mechanic first to see if a tow is really required" So another wait was served…

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