• out of stock

Blunt Metro Compact Umbrella - Navy (Sold Out) or Black $71.40 + Delivery ($0 Delivery with OnePass) @ Catch



Not the best it has ever been but looks to be in the range for non art collabs.

The additional 40% off is added in cart.

Original Additional 40% off Fashion, Footwear & Accessories + Delivery ($0 with OnePass) @ Catch deal. Stacks with Extra $10 off with $100+ Spend with code FLASH10.

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  • +31

    Thanks op. Bought one for a rainy day.

    • Yes, but Your bank manger will want it back then

    • Damn really wanted it

  • Anyone know if the non standard colours ever go on sale? eg Lilac Haze

    • +3

      depends on what you qualify as a sale – this one isn't part of the 40% off promo as it's sold by sydney umbrellas via catch, but you can get the Metro size UV Lilac Haze for $109 instead of $139 by using this week's sitewide spend $100 save $10 code (FLASH10)


      EDIT: while extremely limited stocks last

      • +1

        Yeah thanks mate, I noticed the code after I posted and did end up purchasing it for $109. Lowest I've seen that colour and it might be a limited time only so I pulled the trigger. Cheers.

  • +4
    • Can anyone who has both (or seen both in person) comment on which is the better buy?

      • +3

        Have both; Metro canopy is tiny yet compact, Classic will keep you drier. Perhaps comes down to where you live; in drizzly Melbourne the Metro would be ok, further north where rain comes down in buckets it's Classic or Sport

      • +4

        Different use case.

        Metro for bag/purse. Classic is larger. I leave one in the car.

    • classic now OOS via catch 40% off promo (only marketplace stock left), metro still available for now

    • +2

      Hi my best friend with the same profile pic

  • +14

    $79 on Amazon. WHat's the deal with these umbrellas? Why are tthey so expensive?

    • +2

      $71.40 is cheaper than $79

      • +16

        You can get a pretty good umbrella at Bunnings for $12

        • +2

          bunnings umbrella works fine in WA ;)

      • Nope. But some people may prefer buying from Amazon rather than from a website going out of business.

        • Owned by Wesfarmers, it's not like they are a small player.

          • +1

            @heef: The point is that they are shutting down not how big or small they are.

            • @illusion99: The shutdown doesn't happen Until 30 April. And nothing changes regarding manufacturers warranty. Them closing doesn't detract from a good deal, it's the reason the deal is there in the first place.

    • +8

      Had one break (I was rough on it, my fault really), they repaired it free of charge, including shipping to their centre. Was impressive.

    • +4

      Where is it $79 on Amazon?

    • +3

      Best umbrellas for wind i have ever had. Good for city where wind tunnels happen. Never turn inside out when everyone else is up the wrong way. Worth the money if you dont lose umbrellas i think.

    • +2

      I bought one due to the OzB love. It's an umbrella, it keeps rain off you. It isn't a different design, maybe the materials are slightly better, maybe it'll last longer due to the supports but I am a bit dumbfounded as to why this is so well regarded.

      • +1

        You haven't noticed the BLUNT tips which make for a high-tension canopy which is more resistant to wind inversion?

  • +1

    thanks op, grabbed one for a family member. Already own one and they are great

  • -4

    good luck for heavy wind and rain lmao

    • +8

      That's what they were designed for.

  • Thanks, already had their massive 'sport' version. Will be nice to carry this in a backpack.

    • +1

      I have the sport one, and the compact one. the compact one is really good for having in a backpack.

  • I have their compact version which has been great apart from the wrist strap breaking from swinging it too much. Looks to be unchanged a few years on, like new.

    Been waiting for golf sized umbrella version to go on sale.

  • +3

    Is this a good brand or something? better than the ones for a third of the price on aliexpress does anyone know?

    • +1

      buy now, regret later

    • +6

      Yes, they are an extremely good brand.

      I had the Golf V2 for many many years and it withstood all sorts of wind and rain events that every other umbrella would have failed at.

      It's a false economy to buy cheap crap over and over again.

    • +2

      it will outlive a dozen aliexpress umbrellas, yes much better

    • +3

      Blunt is arguably a superior industrial design, but some people prefer to buy cheap stuff and replace it more often.

  • -3

    It better be hails, if I am ever going to spend $71 to protect my combover.

  • +8

    Here come the "hurr durr why do you need anything more than the $5 kmart one" crowd.

    • You got in a minute before one, well played.

    • I don't mind up to about $35. But $70 is OTT.
      I know some people prefer to have car-brand embellishments as well.
      Like a Mercedes Umbrella for their Mercedes.

      • +2

        umbrellas are a little different from luxury vehicles because the average $70+ blunt umbrella user will still be using their umbrella after the average $12 umbrella user has broken 6 umbrellas

        if you break 6 non-luxury vehicles however there is a non-zero chance that you have died in the process

      • I know some people prefer to have car-brand embellishments as well.
        Like a Mercedes Umbrella for their Mercedes.

        Completely unrelated.

        The mercedes umbrella is the same quality as the $10 aliexpress one.

        Blunt is not.

    • you should have gone to specsavers first

  • Damn! I just lost it. Didn't know it's sooooooo expensive

  • -1

    Here is a proper silvered sun-shade umbrella for golf with venting, which stops blow-outs. For comparison ($55 + $18 for shipping) $73approx.

    • remove everything after the .html

  • +3

    Not impressed with these. The bottom screw with the string loop that secures the handle fell off on first use and the handle with it. Spent 30 mins tracing my steps looking for the bottom screw.
    The handle also feels cheap and wobbly. Terrible quality.

    • +2

      What did blunt say when you asked them to replace/fix it?

      • I found the plastic screw so I put it right back

    • Sounds like poor build quality right there.

    • +1

      If you’re describing the handle of the compact metro umbrella model as wobbly, it moves around specifically because of the 360° rotating canopy design. Bottom screw falling out sounds like a defective unit (which they offer a free 2 year manufacturer’s warranty to repair/replace)

  • -1

    a $70 umbrella out of stock.

    • What else are we going to do with the interest rate cut savings on the 10 investment property loans everyone has?

  • Why so expensive?

  • Great Umbrella and the only that lasted years! I've got a Metro one from NZ for 8 years and still going strong. I bring it with me everywhere including my Europe and Asia trip.

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