Bunnings Warranty Question - Lawn Mower


I purchased a lawn mower from Bunnings a couple of years ago. It is still under warranty.

The price was heavily reduced but not faulty. Just one of those Bunnings crazy deals for whatever reason.

One part of the lawn mower has started to break down and is cracking.

I love Bunnings because they have the best warranty policy. Bring an item to Bunnings them and they will take care of the warranty

I brought it to our local Bunnings today. Their answer was, the price was reduced when you bought it. We can only give you a refund and give you back the money that you paid for it. It is against store policy to give you a replacement lawn mower because the price was reduced when you bought it.

I wanted to have the faulty item replaced with a new lawn mower. They did have a replacement item but refused to replace it.

How does a warranty work with Bunnings?
You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

It clearly does not say that it is up to Bunnings to decide if they should give a customer a replacement or a refund.

I think they are in breach of Australian Consumer Law.

Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.

I appreciate all comments (incl funny ones).

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  • +6

    I wanted to have the faulty item replaced with a new lawn mower.

    They don't want that though.

    They are entitled to refund your purchase amount, and you've had a free lawn mower for 2 years…

    Win- win !!!

    It clearly does not say that it is up to Bunnings to decide if they should give a customer a replacement or a refund.

    It clearly does not say that it is up to customer to decide either…

    I think they are in breach of Australian Consumer Law.

    Just because you 'think' something is true, does not make it true…

    • -6

      I am not sure if you are familiar with Australian consumer law but it is very clear in relation to misleading conduct.

      Misleading conduct includes creating a false impression about a product's price, value, or quality.

      • +6

        in relation to what misleading conduct.

        How is refunding your purchase cost 'misleading conduct'?

      • +4

        Well if you are so sure about the ACL, why are you phishing here?

        Your own words>
        "You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure"
        How about a picture and description of this MAJOR failure.

        I'm definitely with Bunnings at this stage.

  • +2

    How much was the replacement part?

    • +2

      It could be the very dear nut attached to the handle.

  • +1

    What brand of Lawnmower?

  • -1

    Was it purchased on clearance?

    • +2

      Probably, and then parked in the sun for the last 2 years.(When not doing cash jobs on the side) ?

  • -1

    I found the answer myself on the ACCC website.

    When a product has a major problem, consumers can choose between a refund or replacement.

    Guys, always remember that you have rights under the Australian consumer law. Just because a big business says otherwise, it does not mean they are correct.

    I will post an update once it has been resolved.

    • +2

      What is there to resolve? They offered you a refund. The business has some discretion in resolving the warranty claim - within the ACCC ruling.

    • +3

      How about naming the major problem. How about an image to back your claims?

      "I will post an update once it has been resolved"
      Sure you will

    • +1

      ‘’One part of the lawn mower has started to break down and is cracking.”

      Doesn’t seem like a major problem

      • +3

        OP is playing dux and draxe on the actual issue.No description or picture of the so called major issue.

        Still on Bunnings side at this stage

    • link?

  • How does a warranty work with Bunnings?
    You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

    Perhaps tell them that you don't want a 'replacement' but that you want it repaired under their warranty policy. At that point, the may replace it because it's just easier to do.

    • I did tell them that in the end but they were not interested. They said go back to the manufacturer .

      • They said go back to the manufacturer

        They cannot say this, bunnings took your money, bunnings are responsible.

        Dealing with the manufacturer
        If your business sold a product or service to a consumer, you cannot refuse to help them by sending them directly to the manufacturer or importer for a remedy.

        • +3

          They cannot say this, bunnings took your money, bunnings are responsible.

          and Bunnings offered a refund. If OP wants something different, that is up to them.

  • +1

    One part of the lawn mower has started to break down and is cracking.

    What part?

  • +2

    It is still under warranty.

    Remember, a warranty is different to consumer guarantees.

    One part of the lawn mower has started to break down and is cracking.

    That sounds like a minor issue, not a major one. In which case bunnings can choose to refund or repair. They refunded.

    They did have a replacement item but refused to replace it.

    Was it the exact same item? Bunnings change around their products slightly all the time. If it's not the same item, they can easily argue it's not of same value when you paid a lot less.

    • +1

      Need OP to confirm if the item is the exact same vs “a replacement item”/mower of different model by same manufacturer
      Also why word it as heavily discounted but not faulty?
      Was it floor or demo stock or something?

  • Take it to court

  • +5

    The refund seems fair to me. Just buy a new one and start again.

    • +2

      "The price was heavily reduced but not faulty."

      He may not like paying the current / full price, though offering a refund on a used, 2 years old appliance is more than generous.

      Neither ATCC or WA state consumer affairs are going to fault Bunning for offering this.

  • OP I have seen stores just make a call this item will never suit the purchasers requirements so choose to refund, rather than continue putting both parties through pain. For example if you bought an Ozito mower then walked in wearing your Jim's Lawnmowing shirt they would surmise it would never survive professional use.

  • +3

    I wants my Replacement new unit NOW…..ACCC yada yada……

    That's not how things work, the business is well within their rights to offer you a generous refund (of the price you originally paid) on a 2 years old/used/damaged appliance…..

  • +1

    Sometimes that specific model from 2 years ago is not available anymore. And a new one of a similar grade is too expensive. Thus they will have to give you your money back.

  • Clearance sale ….
    No change of mind, no refund… (they should also add no replacement when faulty).

    Possible that the item was the bad batch in the first place hence heavily discounted.

    So, the clearance items are not treated as the new items. Should keep that in mind always.

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