Collect the Buy 2, save 12% coupon.
This is the current model (2023).
Collect the Buy 2, save 12% coupon.
This is the current model (2023).
Camels said $34 for one card and OP’s one is $61 for two cards
So I spent an hour on this testing out Google's AI, the first application at a "external" input rather than poking it myself. I then lost my typed post grabbing a link off another tab, because my phone dumped the cache on this page, so I had to type up an entirety new do-over which is probably why this is far more than intended and assumed a simple task.
In short:
Everyone including Google's AI is wrong (with the exception of the OP)
@Furi8 provides link to $31.75
@tongheitai interprets current price as *cheapest" price at said link
++@hiphopaslothamus is indeed $1.04 cheaper @ $30.71**
Gemini Advanced 2.0 Pro Experimental (this has the ability to utilise some Google services, including Search, AND additionally provides the reasoning or "thoughts" to reach its answer of $28.
I can't say for certain how it comes to $28, but I think the I know the why in a very vague way.
Dislaimer, completely OT, AI centric
I don't know the difference between Pro & Flash. But Flash Thinking Experimental probably would have been better at finding the result, as when asked straight up "What is the cheapest price ever listed on Amazon Australia for a 256GB Samsung Pro Plus MicroSD?"
Flash experimental is more thorough even including OzBargain as potential source of "cheapest price history" sources. It also provides a rough estimate of price.
Pro only guides you through the steps you should take in order to find the answer, with less detail and content. So they're highly sensitive to how you ask, more than id anticipated (I only started playing with AI this weekend when I realised I'd been paying for it, for I don't know how long) .
I also failed to identify the differences in instantiating via the smart assistant and the app. Yesterday the smart assistant told me that it couldn't re run its previous instructions because it didn't have a memory. Being a n00b, I applied that to my input tonight. So when the output is based entirely upon the steps prior, failing to correct the 512GB issue that arises and then restructuring the question poses a problem.
It assumes information that it believes it already has found previously and so it takes the ASIN that identifies as 512GB and inserts it as known fact for the final query and I think that's the WHY it was wrong, but still doesn't answer how it arrived at $28.
NOTE: it's rather curious that in the AI's very first response to my query, at 2. it states "As of right now (October 26, 2023).
I know that they're iterative subsets, but I assumed that with each iteration it would be somehow (n00b) brought "up to date ". I'm also sure I saw at the end it states that "as of the time of this response" This means that only Pro & Flash Thinking Experimental are capable of providing information from the past ~18mths. And neither of them perform to their best on a single iteration because they don't appear to perform any searching until you start an iterative sequence.
I also learned that talking to an AI is the opposite of talking to someone who only partially understands English. You use less less words and really stick to straight up nouns verbs adjectives. An AI needs as many instructions as you coulr possibly give it so that it doesn't make a mistake in judgement along the way.
eg. Assuming that searching for 256GB meant that all results are for 256GB listing's
After 2hrs of my life chasing down what should've (I should have been a simple query and then typing out out, losing it then typing again, all on damn phone with pair of RSI damaged thumbs, and genuine severe Karmic defecit when it comes to bad luck, I'm ready to throw the phone through the window!
I picked the wrong bloody question to test it out with and I'm really ******* ****** because between Reddit's Android app not having a cache, and Android picking and choosing sometimes and not others to dump a post that's taken forever, I'm getting sick of the internet all together. Knock on my door if you need me, I'm going analogue for 24hrs!
And what do the camels say…..