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[PS4, XB1] Cyberpunk 2077 $19 (Was $39) C&C/ in-Store @ BIG W

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Meanwhile I still haven't played the copy I preordered from Big W for $80 on release day…

Also on XB1: https://www.bigw.com.au/product/cyberpunk-2077-day-1-edition…

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  • is it worth playing on a ps4 pro?

    • +2

      Potentially. I've heard even after patches it does not run well on PS4 (but it does come with a free PS5 upgrade which runs fine).

    • +9

      Works fine on the ps4 pro

      • +1

        Thanks for confirming mate!

  • +25

    Currently on my 4th playthrough after adding the Phantom Liberty DLC (Idris Elba FTW). Such a great game in terms of replayability, story, the game world. I put it up there with Red Dead II.

    • +3

      It deserves the hate it got at launched, but I reckon if it was as polished as the DLC is, imho people would talk about cyberpunk 2077 like they do witcher 3, one of the greatest games of all time.

      • +1

        A lot of people forget witcher 3 was also very buggy on launch, and CDPR made it better over time. Not to the same extent - cp2077's launch state was crazy - but it suffered and came good as well.

  • No deals on the Xbox version?

    • +5

      Same price for the Xbox One version, has smart delivery for Xbox Series X as well
      Edit: not sure if it's online, but had plenty in store

      • +1

        Thanks I updated the description!

    • +2
  • +1

    Unable to add to cart

  • +3

    Good game, after the patches is playable on PS4 pro, had a few crashes every now and then but nothing that bad

  • +7

    For those that haven't played it, I highly recommend it. If I could forget the game and play it again I would.

    • +6

      Love this sentiment. I often make a point to rewatch shows and replay games i adore, roughly every 10 years, because you get the majority of this effect. It’s ackchyually great.

  • Is there an upgrade path for PS5 and Phantom Liberty DLC?

    • +3

      I want to say PS5 upgrade was free, from memory. Don't have my copy anymore but remember being able to DL the PS5 version with a PS4 disc.

      No answers about the DLC sorry

      • +6

        I can confirm you get a FREE PS5 upgrade if you own a PS4 physical copy (I've got one) but like @buckster I am unsure about the DLC

  • +2

    I found a PS4 in council pickup still works (IKR jackpot) but it don't have controller, not sure whether to fork out for genuine or grab cheapo aftermarket

    • +2

      HUGE W! Plenty of cheap controllers on CEX: https://au.webuy.com/search?stext=ps4+controller&sortBy=prod…

      • +2

        I was thinking of CEX, perfect one is opening near me

        Damn $80 so moral of the story just buy when you actually have time to play :)

    • +4

      FB Marketplace is pretty good for second hand controllers. I've been selling my DualSense for $60.

    • What do you mean council pickup?

      • Thrown out on the council strip for disposal

        • +1

          Wahh, you hit the jackpot 👍

  • +4

    Pretty sure you still get a free upgrade to the PS5 version as well

  • +7

    It has free pS5 upgrade but DLC not included

    • +1

      came here to confirm this, thanks mate.

  • +2

    Great price for (ultimately) a great game. As a reference, the ultimate edition is currently $69 on the PSN store (or +$5 over above deal if including $45 DLC)

  • +3

    Purchased the pc version + dlc at Christmas time, barrly a mission or 2 past the tutorial (keep dying) but I have a high total of hours played on Steam - as I like the Cyberpunk title screen and leave it on as a screen saver :P

  • sold out????

    • Local stock only for PS4 now but delivery still available for XBO

  • Just had my order cancelled ☹️

  • +3

    I am with you with an unplayed release day copy. My wife has played and finished it multiple times though, so it was still worthwhile. I also grabbed it a second time on PC and decided it ran too poorly and that I would play it a decade later when midrange GPUs can run it well lol.

  • +1

    Still haven’t opened my Collectors Edition…

  • +1

    for this kind of day-1 edition. literally a very old copy (made around the first day of release) or cdpr/sony reproduced many later?

    • +1

      It will pull down all the updates once you chuck it into your console :)

  • +1

    Do your own research on this one, pretty sure this game is still unplayable on PS4 and Xbox One.

  • Cyberpunk xb1 day one release was by far one of the worst experiences of gaming I've had. I refunded it immediately. Not sure if this was patched to be good later. Maybe check the reviews before buying..

    • +1

      Performance issues or?

      • Performance and graphics were atrocious. Can't say if it's been improved

  • +1

    Looks like Xbox version oos even for delivery

  • +2

    I'm in the same boat as the OP. Still have my launch copy in the shrink wrap.

    Wish the game was in 3rd person.

    • Maybe they’ll add it eventually? What else is CD Projekt Red working on right now?

  • +1

    Wish they would patch for PS5 Pro. They’ve said they aren’t going to which sucks. Extra performance would be beneficial

  • +1

    So it looked like XB version went out of stock briefly but then came back, albeit limited? I was able to click and collect at my local today, thankfully. Also used XFEB2025 to bring it down to $17.10

    Thanks OP

    • Yay! You're welcome!

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