• targeted

Kayo One Subscription $15/Month for 12 Months When Paid with a NAB Rewards Credit Card (New or Returning Kayo Customers) @ Kayo


Check your email - Get Kayo One for $15pm for 12m with NAB rewards, got this offer in my rewards statement so looks like it's targeted (NAB signature, Platinum or Classic credit cards). New or returning Kayo customers only.

To be eligible for Kayo One for $15 per month for 12 months (Discount Offer), you must sign up with your promocode between the 13 Feb‍ruary 20‍25 an‍d 3‍1 Mar‍ch 20‍25 (Promotional Period) via kayosports.com.au using your eligible NAB Credit Card. Eligible credit cards include the NAB Classic, Signature and Platinum Rewards Credit Cards. The Discount Offer can only be redeemed once by the primary cardholder when using an eligible NAB credit card and is limited to the first 20,000 eligible customer redemptions. Once the 12 month Discount Offer period expires, Kayo One subscriptions will automatically renew each month at the full regular retail price (currently $25 per month) unless cancelled prior. From 4 Ma‍rch 20‍25, Kayo One will be renamed and referred to as Kayo Standard. This Discount Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, promotion, special offer, discount, coupon, or discount code, nor is it transferrable. Subscriptions purchased using any other form of payment (e.g. through a third party establishment or payment processor such as Telstra, PayPal, gift cards, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay, or loyalty points) will not be eligible for the Discount Offer. The Discount Offer will be applied at checkout when initially subscribing to Kayo One. This Discount Offer is only available to new and returning Kayo Customers. Please note that if you have a Balance Transfer you will be charged interest on any spend that you make. Subscription to Kayo requires acceptance of the Hubbl Streaming & Account Customer Terms. Kayo is not available for use in Very Remote regions of Australia. Please note that any questions regarding your Kayo subscription should be directed to Kayo Sports Support. Any questions regarding your credit card account should be directed to the NAB Customer Service Team. We may vary or cancel the Discount Offer at any time acting reasonably. We will notify you of any changes electronically (including via https://rewards.nab.com.au) or other appropriate method as soon as reasonably practicable.

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  • +9

    Not received. But will look out for it as just canceled Kayo as too expensive (going up to $40 a month!)

    • $40?

      • +1

        Kayo Basic (2 screens) rising to $40 per month.

        Kayo One (1 screen) still $25 per month, for now.

    • +1

      VIP box brother. Rarely 4K but you generally get a 1080p stream.

      • Is it legal?

        “users should ensure compliance with local regulations when accessing such platforms”

        So no LOL

      • Whats the delay like though?

      • +1

        Anything on demand? Is there a way to start a match half way through from the start?

      • Yeah but some people just want to watch on their tv using google tv etc and not have to muck around with a pc or pop ups etc

      • -1

        Can you provide more info? Does this give access to all Kayo channels?

    • +1

      WTF $40? I thought it was a ripoff paying $5 a few years back when AFL App shut it down.

  • +1

    Anyone know if using this offer you can upgrade to the next plan up, and how much that costs?

    • No experience with this plan, but my experience with other offer is you upgrade and pay the difference (currently $10 per month difference, rising to $15 in March).

  • +1

    Pfft kayo one
    Give us basic/platinum/premium

    • Cancelled my nab rewards credit card last year but the account is still showing in my accounts as it is in surplus. Didn’t get this offer tho

  • +1

    Is this in the "goodies" section of the app? Or is there another area for nab rewards?

  • Anyone tried the code using a different card to charge it off rather than credit card?

  • +8

    Kayo is such terrible value for money

    • +1

      It is. But I’d pay $15 for it

  • +5

    Even at $15 for Kayo basic seems a bit rich given the progressive lack of content, fragmented sports landscape and constant ads.

    • I just use it for AFL, nba and f1. Got league pass for nba for $100 and f1 is free to watch for all the sprint and qualifying. Just leaves AFL, ain’t paying $25 a month for that shit.

  • +1

    If I know someone who received this promo with NAB, am I able to get a code off them and use it? Does anyone here have the promo and not want to use it. PM me if so. Been looking for a Kayo deal like this for a while in preperation for the F1 season.

    EDIT: Nevermind, if I read the description I would have got my answer. Doh!

    • Think it only works with a NAB CC in conjunction with the promo code. Looks like way to make it work is to prepay someone who'd sign up on your behalf?

  • +2

    Kayo is not available for use in Very Remote regions of Australia.

    Wait, what?

    • Yeh covered on another post
      Dunno how it works but Foxtel have some deal to be the only provider it really regional locations
      Crazy ay

  • +1

    I'd take a promo code if no one is using it

  • +3

    Can they just bring back the free streaming via AFL app for Telstra mobiles ? That was actually a good deal

    • Would 100% come back to Telstra mobile for this 👍🏻

  • Anyone used the Watch AFL app in Oz? Might be a better option this year if we can get it to work.

    • I’ve mates do it in the past but that was > 5 years ago, before Kayo really took off.

  • +4

    Couple of years ago was $25 a month for the standard plan. And now it’s $25 for a watered down plan. Still half of the stuff aren’t even 4k. What a ripoff. Can’t wait till Amazon or Netflix gets the AFL rights.

    • +1

      Yeh they market it as 4K, but from my experience last year if Channel 7 are also broadcasting the game you just end up getting maybe 720/1080p or whatever. They should give us 4K feeds for every game for that price. Wonder if the new broadcast deal coming into effect will change this

  • +1

    Thought it was $15 for 12 months…what’s on kayo for $15 a month? 😅

  • Weird - have an eligible card, but didn't receive the email and can't see it in my 'rewards' offers. Pretty bummed as I would have taken up the offer. Wonder how they target some of this stuff.

  • Subscription sports lol

  • Had to get this as we enter a "new era of AFL" with no FTA games on a Saturday

    $15mth is OK for High Def one screen - can't see the value in paying $30 for 4K

  • I was told by multiple agents over chat and call, to make sure, that it would be in my statement. As it turns out it was in an email from last month, so watch out for that.

    • +1

      Thanks. Found it hidden away in the rewards statement email

      • +1

        Got the same email today - signed up!

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