Faber Castell Polychromos 120 in Wooden Box

Hello, this has been sold for around $200 a few years ago.



Current price is over $300.

I know inflation is vile, but if someone has a lead on where I could get this for low $200s, that would be amazing.

Thank you.


  • +3

    Unfortunately the Amazon price tracker camel camel camel suggests it has not ever been that low again since 2022

  • +1
    • Thanks, think he is after more though!

      • Tell him he's dreamin'

  • Are Faber Castel worth it? All the rich kids when I was at school used Derwent.

    • Same at my school.

      I couldn't draw to save my life, but I always wanted a set of those Derwent pencils. Even just a set of 12 was never in my mother's budget . Way out of our league back then.

      I also wanted to go to the same private school my friends in the house across the street went to. My mother almost had an apoplectic fit when I asked. She had firmly held beliefs as to what our station in life was.

      I had a deprived childhood :-)

  • +1

    The Tin-Box version is a little cheaper right now at $260 https://www.amazon.com.au/110011-Polychromos-Coloured-Pencil…

    • That is true, might settle on that if the wood box doesnt come down

  • $280 now. Ain't bad.

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