Petition for ALDI to Sell Alcohol in QLD (Only Open to QLD Residents)

If you are a fan of Aldi and/or appreciate affordable booze, you might support this petition to open up the QLD liquor market (over 60% owned by coles and EDG (formerly woolworths liquor)) to challengers such as Aldi…

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the need to update liquor licensing regulations (Liquor Regulation 2002) to remove arcane rules requiring bottle shops to be operated by pub owners. This has resulted in concentrated ownership and higher prices for Queenslanders. This is especially important in a cost of living crisis with no clear benefits around harm minimisation.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to update the regulations so that challengers such as Aldi can retail alcohol in Queensland as they do in every other major state in Australia. This would improve competition and end the era of protecting major retailers (at the expense of consumers).

If you are a QLD resident, follow the link to sign - been live for a little over a week and already over 2,000 signatures. If it gets to 10k+, I think real pressure for the Govt to consider change…

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  • +7

    real pressure


    Government: nah.

    • +2

      If they got 2M signatures, I'd feel the need for a petition against this petition, just so everyone knows they're still in minority.

  • +10

    Woolworths has no interest in Endeavour Group. Seems misleading

    • fair point - edited to "formerly" - didnt realise they sold their last 15% a few months ago - still the largest owner of pokies in the country so not sure they deserve govt protection

      • +1

        Endeavour (which includes ALH) was deliberately spun off to exclude the pokies.
        Woolworths, for all its flaws, has no direct pokie interest.

  • +2

    Have a glass of water, it's cheaper and much healthier for your body. Aldi I would argue has also had a minimal impact on the pricing of everyday groceries at Coles/Woolies, so I don't understand the argument that this will force bottle shops owned by major chains to lower their prices?

    • +2

      Aldi barely sells any products Endeavour and Coles Liquor sell

      • both sell plenty of 'exclusive' (home brand) products that are competitive…..

        • -1

          More competition in a market typically equals reduced prices. I buy groceries at aldi and seems cheaper (makes sense as they run a simpler business model - less range and no delivery to keep their costs low). Hard to know for sure and I havent run the numbers on booze but this person has in case you are interested -…

    • +2

      Aldi alcohol is cheaper.

      Do you treat yourself to some carbonated water every now and again?

  • Good luck with that.

  • +13

    This is especially important in a cost of living crisis with no clear benefits around harm minimisation.

    Seems like they'd be doing you a favour by limiting the availability, discretionary spending on grog or family dinner, hmmm…


    • +4

      Another benefit is having more space for food and chainsaws when there's no alcohol filling the shelves.

  • +1

    I feel sorry you are missing out on the precious earth wine, it's so cheap and your worries just drift away.

  • +7

    Poorly worded, all round, and dragging the cost of living crisis into demanding access to cheaper piss is a bit too QLD.

    • +2

      So by that theory if Queenslanders want to exercise their right to enjoying alcoholic drinks they should not have access to a competitive market that other states enjoy?
      Whether you personalty think it's a cost of living measures or not people have different priorities on what they wish to spend their spare funds on and if they wish to purchase a social lubricant why should they be penalised? Are tattoos, cigarettes, eating out, attending an event a cost of living consideration? If their prices have gone up considerably affecting someone's regular life why shouldn't they be??

      • -1

        Not even close to what I said.

        Life's so no fair, what can I say?

        • +2

          So don't criticise those trying to rectify the inequalities!

          • +1

            @Goonda: Inequality?
            Good luck with this universal injustice. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • Petition for ALDI to Sell Alcohol in QLD

    No !!!

  • +15

    This is especially important in a cost of living crisis

    If you can't afford to live, alcohol prices should be the least of your worries.

  • +15

    In SA (same rules as QLD) Costco asks the government to allow supermarkets to sell alcohol every few years. And always Woolworths and the hotel lobby come along, wringing their hands with concern about people buying alcohol in bulk and abusing it.

    Remember, as long as you're abusing alcohol from Dan Murphy's, that's fine. But don't you dare get your fix from Costco.

    • Woolworths doesn't sell alcohol, why would they care?
      Coles does though (Liquorland & Others is Coles FYI)
      If you're going to talk smack about the majors, at least have your talking points in order.

      • +3

        Woolworths doesn’t sell alcohol, but they used to own Endeavour Group, which runs Dan Murphy’s and BWS. They fully divested in 2024, so they don’t have a direct stake anymore. Still, they often fought to keep Costco and Aldi from selling alcohol in SA

      • +1

        Woolworths have BWS and Dan Murphys. Pretty much every Woolworths in Queensland has a BWS next to it or nearby!
        It's even part of their Everyday Rewards program!

  • Seems like a lot of effort just to get some P15S

  • +2

    When I was a lad in England decades ago, we'd go to the Aldi on weekends and get cheap vodka off the shelf to mix with sugar free Irn Bru. Good times. You could get booze at all supermarkets.

    • You can get it at 7/11 in Japan. Only 1500 yen for a bottle of whiskey. Good times.

      • +3

        I accidentally bought 4L of sake at Seikomart thinking it was water for about $15. Expensive for water (I didn't have my glasses on, so I misread the price), but dirt cheap for alcohol.

        • +3

          I went to a restaurant that had all you can drink with your meal for 1000yen (~$10). I tried every drink in the selection at least once. It's a mystery how I managed to walk back to the hotel and not get lost.

      • +1

        Or go to a big supermarket and get a 4 litre bottle of Nikka Black Clear for 2798 yen (~A$29). I really fit the drunk Aussie bogan in Japan stereotype lugging that one onto the train.

  • +8

    cost of living crisis

    Okay, if you're suffering so much, why are you wasting your money on grog?

  • +2

    Ironically, most of the major Homewbrew Distributors have operated out of QLD for years, supplying hardware and Contents
    * Brewcellar/Morgans (Owned by Coopers)
    * I-Make/Still Spirits/Mangrove Jacks
    * Q-Brew
    * Essencia
    * Edwards Essences
    * Coral Sea

  • +3

    Hmmm… I’m someone who appreciates a bargain and a drink. However restricting access to alcohol and making it more expensive has been demonstrated to reduce alcohol related harm. Alcohol and suicide, domestic violence and child neglect/abuse are closely associated. Unfortunately despite loving a bargain myself am happy leave things the way they are.

    • +3

      Millions enjoy a drink without harm every day. Blame the individuals, not the scape goat substance abuse.

    • It has also made illicit drugs cheaper by comparison.

    • +1

      It's not really restricted if its available at every coles and woolies until 9 or 10pm. If this is the argument then we should be adopting the Swedish model (which is terrible).

      • True. I guess my point is the cheaper and more accessible alcohol is the more people drink. So I can see why the government wouldn’t want to make it cheaper and more accessible. They wouldn’t be able to just make liquor available in Aldi they would have to change the laws about selling it in supermarkets, effectively this makes it cheaper as there’s not as many overheads if it can go through a regular register. But you’re correct it’s pretty accessible as it is.

        • I don't really get how that side of it works. Down in Vic we have the separate stores BWS/Liquorland. At Aldi I think only certain qualified checkout chicks/dudes are allowed to process alcohol, and you can only buy booze after a certain time, maybe 11am or something. Aldi also normally closes earlier than the other places, so I don't think its too bad.

  • +6

    "important in a cost of living crisis"

    Lol, how about not drinking then to save yourself a boat load of $…..

    As for numbers, QLD has 3.173 million registered voters, so I'm quite certain 10K worth of signatures with get Zero response…..

    • +1

      cost on liver crisis

  • -1

    Yeah those rules seem archaic as. Bad for competition and unnecessarily makes shopping take a lot longer if (like me) aldi is much closer than other super markets.

  • +7

    Cost of living crisis?

    Alcohol is a luxury not a essential item.

    If your truly experiencing a cost of living crisis food for the family is more important than alcohol.

    This reminds me when i use to run a bottleshop nearly 30 years ago a bloke wanted to put a couple slabs of beer on tick(tab, loan, iou) because he wouldnt be able to get some groceries for the family i said sorry no we couldn't store policy.

    5 minutes later he came back and got the beer im thinking maybe his family didnt eat much or well as a result.

    Im picturing some little kids doing without.

  • -1

    Ridiculous archaic laws in Queensland need to be changed to allow more competition in the market.

    Costco needs to lobby this also!

  • +2

    This is especially important in a cost of living crisis

    I don't think cheaper alcohol is especially important. Alcohol causes cancer( among other health problems, and consequently puts more financial pressure on the healthcare system. Due to the addictive nature of alcohol, the best approach in a cost of living crisis is to not drink alcohol.

  • remove arcane rules requiring bottle shops to be operated by pub owners

    While it has lead to bottleshop owners being major conglomerates through pub/restaurant ownership, the actual rule about licensing is to prevent major companies from just simply being alcohol distributors .

  • There is an argument here for QLD to secede from the federation. There's your petition.

  • +3

    The world would be better off without alcomahol

  • Didn't realise there would be so many pro-protectionists on ozbargain.

    It doesn't matter if alcohol is a "luxury" item, alcohol is in the CPI calc and so I don't feel its a long bow to draw that it is contributing to the cost of living crisis.

    • -1

      Aldi is not the only source of alcohol in QLD. Also it sells plenty of non mainstream alcohol products, that most ppl would not buy, So the range of common brands is limited in number and stock levels.
      It's hardly a protectionist mentality to say the petition is over the top, in name and nature.The fact is cost of living is used to justify almost everything in our daily lives, to the point it's lost validity.

      • +1

        I mean the underlying law makes little sense.

        Bizzare that people on a bargain website think that its kosher exclude participants from a market because you need a commercial hotel licence…… to sell alcohol.

        • -1

          Then those deeply disenfranchised battlers should simply petition on purely legal grounds, and not fluffy exaggerations. There's a new state govt in QLD, so opportunity awaits. For the record state alcohol regulations have always been a mess.They should be nationally aligned.

  • Well as soon as you lot learn to behave nice then we will let you have some alcohol. Until then not allowed.

  • In Queensland, a pub can have up to to 3 "off licences".

    If this was de-regulated, the pubs would ask for compensation, like other industries. In 2000, the Australian dairy industry received approximately $1.73 billion in compensation for deregulation. I would imagine that the pubs would ask for at least $5 billion from the Queensland government if they were de-regulated. That's the real reason its not being done.

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