Hey OzBaggers. I'm looking at apartments in Melbourne and almost everything is listed as auction (i.e. no price listed).
I have a $50k to 500k filter on so I know they're within that range, which tells me there is a price listed on them somewhere in the back end. Are there any IT/web dev type operators that can help me find hidden elements of the page? I've read somewhere that this is an option with finding a hidden salary on Seek so I'm (obviously naively) assuming this might also be the case.
Here's one for example. Could be fun for $280k but I don't want to waste any time on it if they want $450k. (Obviously I can keep playing around with the filters to get to the bottom of it but I don't want to do that with every apartment for sale in this town).
Sorry if this has been answered before! I tried searching but couldn't find anything.
Auction: $360,000 - $395,000
Your welcome.