Bill Payment Options without Fees

Have been making quarterly ATO payments via BPay, noticed it comes up on statement as “card payment fee” which a search confirmed means they deduct a transaction fee from the amount paid.

The only way I’ve found so far to avoid full fees and still retain interest fee period + points on bills is payment where PayPal is accepted or direct debit from a CC is available without fees.

Sniip isn’t worth it as breakeven point is only 0.8%, not even close to 1.5% fee.

It’s not worth BPay from offset account, as I am automatically losing up to 55 days worth of offset interest. Any other ways to make bill payments without a debit card?


  • +1

    Coles prepaid mastercard

    • Thanks, have had the bonus points ones in the past for a rates bill using two cards. But this doesn’t scale past a couple hundred dollars.
      I have consistently thousands $ per quarter to pay bills I’d need hundreds of cards per year

  • +2

    Loads of information in previous discussion, see

    I use BPay via Zip and repayments using Credit Card - no fees paid and accumulate points.

    • Thanks, seems there’s limits imposed which won’t cover my tax or strata bills

      • Just max out the Zip account, pay it off and repeat.

        The first time i did this i had a Zip limit of only $500 so had to make multiple payments to pay off the ATO invoice

  • -1

    Ring the ATO and ask them if they will agree to a payment plan that involves delaying payments for a few months then going on a Monthly Direct Debit from your bank Account

  • Zip pay

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