$20 off Angel’s Envy Kentucky Straight Bourbon Port Finish 700ml $69.99 + Delivery ($0 over $499) @ Wine Sellers Direct


Wine Sellers Direct is please to offer a discount $20 discount per bottle on Angel's Envy Bourbon. Just use the special coupon code to save at checkout.

Whilst stocks last - No limits on order quantity.
Spend over $499 and enter coupon code "SHIPMEFREE" to get free delivery.

Angel’s Envy is a golden colour laced with reddish amber hues, nearly copper in tone. It’s finished in port wine barrels which adds a subtle distinct flavour that enhance the whiskey. On the palate is vanilla, ripe fruit, maple syrup and bitter chocolate. A lingering finish with a hint of madeira.


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  • -3

    Are we backing CanuckBargain bros and boycotting USA products or Nah?

    • Things may get more expensive in the future. So maybe stock up now?

  • +3

    With a simply google search, it's a few dollars cheaper at the drink society - https://thedrinksociety.com.au/products/angels-envy-port-win…

    • +2

      UPDATED - Now $20 off a bottle.

      • +2

        NEW Coupon code too.

  • WSD prices for limited range of XO's is pretty decent. Worth a look, better than Dan's or FirstChoice/Liquor Land.

    • +2

      Thanks for noticing. ;) We also don't change our prices up or down every minute of the day. We like to remain consistently good value, but as always if you see it cheaper ask us and we will do what we can to try and match or better it!

      • -3

        If that was the case it would be $69.99 without needing a code.

        • +5

          We are doing this coupon offer as a special for a limited quantity. We aren't here to argue semantics, but it is a way of offering you guys a deal.

          If you know us or shop with us regularly you would know we are pretty sharp across our collective catalogue, sure you can nit pick here or there for arguments sake, but ultimately we are on the cheaper side more often than not and without requiring a membership.

  • +2

    For those who don't know much about bourbon, a lot of it is made by the same company(en.wikipedia.org) with varying tweaks and sold under a pile of different names. Angel's Envy just buys this bourbon and finishes it in various barrels (the finishing is the only bit that happens in Kentucky).

    I'm all for blends and interesting takes on generic spirits, but the $135 RRP is a bit of a joke, considering what it is.

    • +1

      For $70 AUD though it's a very good buy if you like bourbon.

  • good bourbon!

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