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Uncle Tobys Quick Rolled Oats 1kg $3.25 @ Woolworths

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Uncle Tobys Oats Quick Rolled Oats Porridge 1kg

50% off at Woolworths

I hardly see this on special

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  • +3

    Are these much better than home brand rolled oats?

    Almost same price but 80% more


    • +4

      Buy two and try them both.

      I prefer Toby's by far the last time I did a comparison.

    • +3

      Personally can’t taste the difference once its mixed in with my favourite toppings. I use the Woolworths branded one

    • Probably not anywhere near the price difference but I do find these flatter and smoother.
      I would always go for the uncle tobys if on sale.

    • +2

      Depends what you mean by much better. Uncle Toby's is Nestle if that means anything to you.

    • +1

      As far as quick oats are concerned, the Uncle Tobys ones are finer. I've tried the home brand and Aldi ones and Uncle Tobys are better. But they're also owned by Nestlé so there's that.

    • Yes, consistency is much better and more consistent (!)

    • This Uncle Tobys one is actually porridge. If you want Uncle Tobys rolled oats that look like the one you linked to, i.e. that aren't cut into microscopic pieces to make porridge, you need to get Uncle Tobys "Traditional" Rolled Oats.

      And yes, the traditional ones are better than Home Brand or Coles brand if you eat them raw or in muesli, because they are softer and don't need to be soaked in milk for ages before eating.

    • I went from Uncle Tobys to Woolies home brand and regretted the home brand purchase. There is quite a big difference.
      Home Brand were cut/rolled much thicker and I didnt like them nearly as much in overnight oats/porridge.

    • +1

      Errr … in the opinion of a guy who eats oats, anyone who thinks one packet/carton or whatever of oats is better than the generic offering … c'mon, they source them from a set of primary producers, 3rd party operatives process them … wow, if you think Unky tobies is gunna give you something in your life Home Brand won't, the extra $1.45 per 750 grams (or whatever, noticed the unky tobies is 1kg) while on special or much more when not is well worth the expense (waste IMO) a plastic 750gm bag of woolies oats is S1.70 always and still overpriced.

  • +1

    I hardly see this on special

    They're half price at Coles and Woolies every few months.

  • Did the price just get higher, remember getting them late last year for lower when it was half price

  • +2

    I prefer to cheaper coles/woolies ones. These Uncle toby's oats are quick oats which usually means they are both rolled and chopped, makes them finer and cook fractionally quicker.
    it also makes them taste/feel a bit creamier, but also more like mush. You don't have any real texture with the quick oats, and Uncle toby's specifically.

    the cheaper ones aren't as well screened/threshed so you will get a couple of bits of husk per pack which you can eat without problem but you can't really chew them, texturally unpleasant. I still choose the quick ones over Uncle toby's

  • +1

    Coles and Woolies have tripled their prices and then have "half price" on every second product every second week. Don't get excited. Boycott these pricks.

    Oats are around $300 per tonne. That's 30c per kilo. If you're truly a bargain hunter you'll build a silo and get a hand/solar/goat powered grain roller.

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