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[VIC] Solar for Apartments Rebate Program: $2,800 Per Apartment (Max $140k Per Property) for Owners Corporation @ Solar Victoria


Property owners and Owners Corporations (OCs), slash energy bills, increase property value through Solar for Apartments Program! 🌞

Solar Victoria’s Solar for Apartments Program offers rebates of $2,800 per apartment lot, with buildings of minimum 5 and max 50 apartment lots eligible to claim up to $140,000 in rebates*.

Whether you’re retrofitting an older block or upgrading an existing system, this incentive makes solar panels a no-brainer for lowering energy costs and carbon footprints.


✔️Apartment complexes must have at least 5 apartment units (owner’s corporations or strata managers can apply) and commit to installing Solar Victoria approved solar PV systems.
✔️The apartments must be located in Victoria state and the rebate will cover a part of solar system and installation costs, meaning faster payback periods and long-term savings on electricity.
✔️ An apartment or township building of 8 storeys or fewer.
✔️ Tier 3 or Tier 4 aparment buildings as defined in the Victoria Owners Corporations Act 2006.
✔️ An apartment building of Class 2 category (under National Construction Code) or a Class 1a (Townships).

Plus, going solar will increase your property’s value while attracting sustainability-conscious tenants or buyers.🌎

This Solar Victoria’s program is part of a push to make renewable energy accessible for multi-dwellings/apartments, but funding is limited. Rebates are available until February 28, 2025 📅, or until state funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.

Deal Summary:
$2,800 rebate per apartment (5–50 units)
Max $140,000 savings for eligible buildings
✅ Cut energy bills + boost property appeal for prospective buyers/tenants.
Limited funding—apply ASAP!

Perfect for savvy OCs or landlords aiming to future-proof their investments.
* Terms and conditions apply.

via iPromise(ipromiseaustralia.com.au)

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Solar Victoria: Solar Homes Program
Solar Victoria: Solar Homes Program
iPromise Australia
iPromise Australia


  • +7

    What's your target audience here? I know everyone on Ozbargain earns on average $300,000/year, but we don't have that many apartments 😁

    • +5

      Wait until we build our own Ozb compound

    • It would be those on the strata committees, or others that might want to put motions to the body corporate.

      • +1

        Everyone on Strata Committee's is looking for less work to do, not more. A resident of our complex recently wrote to the committee suggesting a shared solar system. In principle we like the idea but are so snowed under dealing with other stuff that none of us have the slightest desire to take it on. We suggested that if the owner wanted to follow it up themselves with the installer etc and get quotes and so on, they were more than free to do so. Naturally, nothing ever happened.

        • Don't you all want to save money on your power bills ? I would have thought that would be a pretty big incentive to take it on.

          • @Nom: power bills for a small-mid sized complex can be very small if there are no lifts or pumps. Easy for things to get kicked down the chain.

            Someone has to take ownership and recruit people to the cause if you want to get ANY major capital works done. It was 5 years from initiation to the completion of installation of uPVC windows in my complex and it was only because i passionately believed it would be worth doing, and just wore down my opponents that it got done.

          • @Nom: Sure I'd love to. But after a number of major works in my complex (you honestly don't want to know) the last thing I want is taking on more work, in what is an unpaid voluntary role. It's a thankless task. Which is why I was more than happy for someone else to try. Sadly we have a very apathetic group of owners who are much talk no action.

  • +4

    Any Rebates on a Nuclear Power Plant? Asking for a friend.

    • +6

      Your friend is a potato

  • +6

    They've extended this grant a few times and the latest iteration is a lot easier to apply. Seems like most OCs don't know about it. It's a very good grant. Basically have to get a couple of quotes, pick a quote, fill out grant, then go through the process with installer, you'll have to do a special resolution etc.

    We went through Allume(allumeenergy.com) who has a solar sharing system who then can recommend installers to quote.

    • +1

      Anyone aware of if this offer extends to OCs wishing to add batteries to individual lots to an already existing solar infrastructure? TIA!

      • Just solar as far as I know. There appears to be battery loans(solar.vic.gov.au)

    • @bdl Ozb compound confirmed.

  • +1

    Doesn't work for us. 4 units in our block with a large area of close to flat roof.

    • a large area of close to flat roof.

      A large area of roof is exactly what you need for a Solar install - it doesn't matter that it's flat.

      • +1

        Yeah, for flat roofs they install with brackets that tilt at whatever is the optimal angle.

      • Agreed! But we aren't eligible because there are only 4 units! Presumably someone down voted my response because that isn't clear in the OP? I'm pretty sure that I'm understanding exactly why we can't participate in this offer. Others may be befuddled…

  • What's the out of pocket cost usually like per apartment?

    • +2

      Similar to a train, which I can also afford.

    • A lot more than a house. So much more it's not as economical any more. It's unlikely to save the owners enough money to cover the higher installation costs.

    • +1

      It's all dependent on how many panels you have which is dependent on roof space. Also the difficulty of the install which may require cranes or whatever.

      In our case, 65kw was around $200k. With the grant it brings it down to $70k. We've had quotes just for solar providing power for common areas only (no grant) and that was $30k so it works out well.

      You'd also think that having this is a + for people selling their apartment.

  • https://www.solarquotes.com.au/

    Helps you find 3 legit companies to provide quotes.

  • I wonder if it can offset the owners individual electricity bill. My complex has 50 units, but elevator as its only 3 stories, so doubt the complex would even use that much electricity :/

    • That's exactly what this is for. The benefit would be lowering everyone's individual electricity.

  • Does anyone have experience with these and if they provide good value?

    It seems like only complexes with things that use significant amount of shared electricity would get value. So either in cases where they electricity is not metered separately (rather rare these days) or have things like pools (heating and pumps), lists and central aircon. The smaller the complex, the less likely they are to have these too. Feed-in tariffs are very low these days and lighting doesn't use much electricity with LEDs being the norm.

    Being able to feed power into an individual apartment's power would provide better benefits, but I'm not sure how this can get done, especially done fairly. I'm happy to learn how though.

    • As above, Allume(allumeenergy.com) has a product called Solshare which shares all the produced electricity to the apartments evenly.

    • That's pretty much our problem too. Only 4 units. Common power actually paid by one of the unit holders (us I think) but trivial and not separately metered.

      We can't use this deal/mechanism but still have Body Corporate issues to go through if any of us want to be able to use part of the shared roof for an individual system!

      Solar would probably work for us as we can use much of the output during daylight hours. So no battery justified. Might even push us toward having a small EV as our 'city' car too!

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