• expired

10 Nights Best of Greece Departs Athens (Piraeus) Feb 14: from $866.41 Per Person Twin Share (Tax Inclusive) @ Celebrity Cruises


Definitely not for everyone as it is very last minute, but if you are able to get onto the ship in short notice then it may be good.

Inside from $867 AUD per person twin share
Ocean View from $963 AUD per person twin share
Veranda from $1,372 AUD per person twin share

Day 5 AT SEA
Day 7 AT SEA

They also have one on the 24th of February from $1046.45 ($95.13 p/n) for an ocean view instead of $1625 and it is 11 nights long and includes an extra stop in Nafplio

Related Stores

Celebrity Cruises
Celebrity Cruises


  • +18

    Need to get on a plane now to have any chance of making it if you are currently in Australia, lol

    • +49

      If youre not ozbargaining while holidaying in Greece, ypure doing it wrong

      • +3


        • GrOzbargain.com

      • Damn straight. I'm on ZhOzbargain.com from China right now.

  • +1

    Will it take me back home to Australia?

    • +2

      Yes just follow the river Styx

      • +2

        Bring a gold coin donation

  • +10

    Definitely not for everyone as it is very last minute, but if you are able to get onto the ship in short notice then it may be good.

    Yes. For all of those OzBargainers already in Greece, who can drop everything in just two days to commit to an 11-day cruise…

    Oh yes, and make sure you have suitable current visas for Cyprus and Turkey…

    Oh yes, and you have to have another person available too. (As it is based on double occupancy.)

    Meeting all of those very narrow criteria: yep, good bargain.

    • +49

      Well you only really need a Turkey visa, Cyprus is visa free for Australians.

      Meeting all of those very narrow criteria: yep, good bargain.

      I should've posted a RRP deal instead! Or no deals like you've posted..

      • +9

        Or no deals like you've posted..

        Oooh! Fight! Fight! Fight!


        • Oooh! Fight! Fight! Fight!


          Hehe. Hope my first salvo satisfies.

      • -5

        Or no deals like you've posted..

        Well… if I don't have any decent deals to post I won't waste everyone's time and eyeballs.

        I mean, I did hear that Joe's Milk bar in Oodnadatta is offering half-price burgers to red-headed left-handed people on Pancake Wednesday. (Might still be a bigger demographic than the Greek cruise.)

      • +3

        You don't even need a turkey visa. Stay on the boat

        • +2

          Ephesus is amazing

        • If you meet all the criteria specified above (being in Greece, have a partner, and you are Australian with Russian passport (like me) - you don't have to organise a tourist visa to Turkey.
          Russian Federation: Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa for their touristic and business travels up to 60 days.

      • +11

        Well you only really need a Turkey visa

        There is only Day 4 EPHESUS (KUSADASI), TURKEY

        According to the Law on Foreigners and International Protection which entered into force on 11th April 2014, those foreigners who arrive at sea ports and intend to visit the seaport city or nearby provinces for touristic purpose are exempt from visa provided that their stay does not exceed seventy two (72) hours. However, if you arrive in/depart from our country by air for your cruise tour, you must obtain a visa. Source

        • And you don't even need Russian citizenship!

  • +3

    keen to see how many people book via this post…

    • Precisely what I was about to say.

  • +21

    If anyone has more cruise deals you should post them! I feel they don't get posted enough, or maybe they are too hard to come by..

    Here's a few more random ones I have found:

    Singapore to Brisbane
    Date: 2026-03-05
    Ship: Pacific Encounter
    Nights: 15
    Price: 1358.0

    Price per night: 90.53

    South Pacific Islands from Sydney
    Date: 2025-08-13
    Ship: Pacific Adventure
    Price: 883.0
    nights: 9
    Price per night: 98.11

      • +1

        Better to post the deal on the off-chance someone might be able to use it, than that person miss out.
        It isn't hard to ignore bargains you aren't interested in. All the relevant facts were in the title.

        I'm only here because I was seriously considering whether I could line up flights and nip over.
        This came closer to being a bargain for me than many, many others.

        • +1

          Sure. Fair enough.

          But you 'seriously considered'… lining up flights… applying for and gaining multiple visas in two days… arranging a partner for flights and visas as well?

          It isn't hard to ignore bargains you aren't interested in.

          My whole point on this particular deal was that it would be almost impossible for anyone reading about it on OzBargain to take advantage due to the Rube Goldberg-like unlikely chain of events which would have to coincide.

          I have already congratulated the OP on their other finds in this area. I have not maligned their character, or belittled their posting history.

          Just for this specific deal it may as well be a half-price potatoes offer from a rural Bulgarian supermarket.

    • +1

      Any tips on where you find them? I've tried using the cruise critic and don't see many deals lately

      • +9

        Just use Python to scrape the websites, sort by cheapest cruise and badda bing badda boom!

        I also have custom tamper monkey/Grease monkey scripts made.

        Have a squiz if you want: https://github.com/freyta/cruising

        I don't think I posted my ozcruising or cruisemart ones (yet). They are my main scripts I use.

        • +4

          Please post cruise specials as they are hard to find. Had a look at your link however had no idea what it was or how to do it..Wife and myself have done numerous cruises,mainly in the Mediterranean and are a great way to sample ports, areas. Then come back later to stay at places that you like..

        • +1

          I wish I knew what this meant.

          I know Python is a programming language, and a JSON file is basically a data dump.
          That's about it.

          Any tips on how to "use Python to scrape the websites" ..based on someone who finished school just before Windows 95 was a thing…

          Would be interesting to see what you are searching (just Aussie sites)?
          Can it search package deals / rates/ classes? For example, in December a suite with a drinks package was cheaper than a standalone interior cabin. These are rare, but pop up from time to time.

          Also, the good sites require logging in to see the rates. Does the script login for you?

          • +6

            @tunzafun001: The easiest way to run these scripts are the following way. First you need to install Python, there should be plenty of guides online how to do that. Just make sure you tick the "ADD TO PATH" option when you install it. Then follow these:

            • Download the code from GitHub using the green "CODE" button, and unzip it in your Downloads folder.
            • Open the command prompt from the Start menu, or by pressing the Windows button + R. When the Run window pops up, type in "cmd" and press enter.
            • Type in the following command "cd Downloads/cruising-main/", your window should say something like "C:\Users\username\Downloads\cruising-main>". (cd stands for change directory)
            • If you type in "dir" (lists all the files in the directory) and it shows "cruising-main" still, then type in "cd cruising-main" again. You should by in the main folder now.
            • Move into the Python scripts folder with "cd Python".
            • Now run the command "python -m pip install -r requirements.txt"
            • You've done the basic setup now, all we need to do is run "python scrape_websites.py" and it should eventually output a file called "cruises_2025_XX_XX.json" in the folder where the script is ran (i.e. where it was extracted to)

            In that file you'll see something like this:

            { "date": "2025-04-24", "dep": "New Orleans, LA", "title": "16-Day Transatlantic from New Orleans, LA", "ship": "Carnival Valor", "price": 1297.0, "nights": 16, "price_per_night": 81.06 },

            You can also run a single website by cd'ing into that folder and running the Python file in it. i.e. for Celebrity you do:

            cd celebrity
            Python celebrity.py
            • +2

              @Freighter: @Freighter
              Brilliant. Thanks for the detail.

              So this just scrapes the cruise lines direct websites?

              Good for the very last minute, and early. But they are normally around 100% more for a few months out. The best cruise line clearance sites have 90 day clearance tabs.

              • +3

                @tunzafun001: @tunzafun001

                Yes. I think I just added cruisemart which I don't really like.

                Later this weekend or next week I'll publish my Ozcruising scraper. That one's good.

                Got any other sites that are good? Vacationstogo would be easy to scrape I think.

                • @Freighter: Yeah good list there. Cruise1st, Cruise Cheap etc. Need to factor in some sites charge card fees, some don't. Pretty sure Ozcruising does. Some times you need to use a cc to activate travel insurance. Only a couple % I guess.
                  VTG have various package promo offers - OBC/ drinks/ wifi you need to call up to find out about. I think they basically wholesale the package. Wonder if those prices are hiding in the back end somewhere? If not, the site itself already produces a really nice table anyway.
                  But I guess you take all data entries and then just sort by cost per day (regardless of time, location etc)? Cost per day is king?

            • +1

              @Freighter: hey @Freighter

              I find your content very insightful and intriguing, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

            • @Freighter: @Freighter

              Sorry for the delayed response, took me a while to get to this. But I have to say this script is amazing and your instructions too! Had to teach myself with copilot how to use this with power query to filter the json data. But once ive done that its really easy to organise.

              Also followed this on github!

              Any chance you'll expand to include cunard and holland america? Ive used Cunard twice before and they do have some great deals that beat celebrity and princess at certain times of the year. My old way of checking just involves visualping on their page lol

              • +1


                Any chance you'll expand to include cunard and holland america?

                I've added them both. I think the only real big ones that aren't added now are P&O UK, Seabourn, Oceania, MSC (which I should add..), Silversea and Disney..

                Any others?

                • @Freighter: @Freighter That's amazing! thank you! I think you have all of the main ones. Only other ones I can think are Norwegian Cruise Line and Virgin Voyages. Virgin did have a whole bunch of Aussie cruises in 2024/2025 but suddenly cancelled them all. But hopefully they come back in 2026 as it looks like a good overall experience

        • Thanks for this Freighter is there one for Royal too? Cheers. Took a while tampering and tinkering but I think I got them to work!

          • +2

            @warwagon86: I just added the Royal website. It's actually the same as Celebrity on the backend (makes sense since they are owned by the same company).

            • @Freighter: Legend thank you. I am going to try setting up the python stuff tonight but used the scripts on Grease monkey whilst I was in work and they are very helpful

    • Crappy old ships with Astro turf all over the external areas…. Luxury right there!!

  • +7

    perfect timing with the earthquake currently occuring in the aegean. May be able to witness a tsunami from your cabin

    • +6

      From the interior cabin you'll only be able to feel it lol

    • Did the earth move for you too?

      • It's the motion of the ocean.

        If the boats' arockin', don't come knocking.

  • +8

    Thanks OP. Brilliant deal. Please keep em coming.

  • +2

    I rate it OP

  • I’m on a cruise right now and this will be my last for a long time. Too easy to get sick and ruins your whole trip

    • -3

      you got the gastro?

      have you been on one before?

      get off the internet

      • I got some kind of respiratory infection and I just spit yellow crap every morning.

        I’ve been on a few cruises over the years and can’t recommend them.

        • I been on a few they been positive experience overall

          Which ships you been on?

        • +4

          @bargainsnatcher genuinely curious to know why you keep going on cruises if you don't enjoy them.

    • Covid?

      The risk of getting sick is too high for me to consider cruises as well.

  • Strangely for an ozbargain post, it doesn't seem to list what isn't included.

    Are there tips or fees or extra costs?

    • You considering hopping on the next flight out of Aus to catch this cruise? Lol

      • +1

        There's a lot of negativity, but it helps people judge a good deal when they see it. So maybe another comes up for June. I would have no idea what would be a reasonable price, but now I can compare it to this. I've just heard there are lots of add-ons.

        • +1

          If you're trying to compare any other cruise cost, to the cruise price of a cruise 2 days out, good luck with that.

          This is the cheapest cruise on Celebrity right now, out of thousands, because virtually nobody can take it up, and it's not a popular sailing with many berths left over.

  • +3

    Cheers OP sent it to the folks in Ireland they might treat themselves for Valentine's!

  • +1

    There r always great prices last min cruises. We did a mediterranean one for $400pp

    • +1

      Is there any particular site that you find them on?

      • +1

        Yes, would love to know, too.

      • +2

        Vacationstogo is what I use

        • Thanks. As I asked Remora , do you book through them ? If so any drama about booking through an international site?

          • @ern123: I've booked through them once but certain brands, they only let Americans use their site.

            So I just used for price matching.

        • Thanks.

  • +1

    From Smarttraveller:
    Greek authorities have declared a state of emergency for Santorini. Earthquakes have been occurring around the islands of Santorini, Ios, Amorgos and Anafi in the Aegean Sea. If you're in the area, monitor the media and follow the advice of local authorities

    • +1

      This. Probably because of this reason there might be some cancelations, and that's is why last minute deals.

  • +3

    The easiest cruise website to search for any cruise worldwide is Vacationstogo.com

    • Thanks. That seems to be a USA site. Do you book through them or use what you find to book elsewhere ( after converting from USD). If you book through them any problems with Australians booking through a US site ?

      • I normally just use it to search but I booked one Cunard cruise with them in 2015 and it worked out fine. Once I find a cruise I want, I price match with cruise Guru or direct to cruise companies.

        • Thanks for the info and your reply.

      • It is a USA site. I have done 6 cruises with them, as a single, and I have never been happier with the communications or the updates on price drops.
        Just remember to click your currency top right. One person deals with you only and if they see a price drop/ or free upgrade they send you a text.

  • +1

    Still about 5 hours left for flights that make it there, 2200pp on VA/QR combo. Get's there are lunchtime in Athens with cruise departing at 5 PM. Get your Amazing race hat on and carry ons only and get going.

  • You'd be disappointed if no one got murdered on the cruise

  • heading with 2 kids <5 in September to Greece. Is this a good cruise company to look at ?

  • I'd like to hear from anyone in Greece, who can actually report back, that they are on this cruise :-)

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