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[PS5, XSX] Civilization VII $89 Delivered / C&C / in-Store @ Target


Target are currently the cheapest price in the market at launch for the new release of Civ7


Switch is also on a launch promo at $69 https://www.target.com.au/p/civilization-vii-nintendo-switch…

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Target Australia
Target Australia


  • +7

    Need PC.

    • +1

      Same here. Shame there’s no deals on PC

    • 100% this game should only be played on PC for performance and also mouse and keyboard.

    • +2

      I love Civ, always have, always will. Unfortunately with the way they've released/distributed this it is rubbish. I prefer a physical copy for my collection…. I pre-ordered from EB the boxed base version, then I will have to do the upgrade to founders edition on steam… another $90. F***

  • +1

    Wait until the UI is fixed

    • 2nd patch has already fixed a lot

  • Best is Greengaming with a voucher - $100

  • +8

    Who cares. You waited this long, just play civ 6 for another two years. Then pick civ 7 up for $20.

    • Literally what I did with civ 6 hahaha I am not touching this for a little while

  • I preordered 2 copies for mates of the PC version from EB with their 'Trade 2 get for $49' deal but unfortunately the code is unable to be activated as it's the wrong region…

    TLDR: I will always feel console trumps PC when it comes to physical copies of a game as just putting the disc in everything works

  • +2

    Just installed Civ VI, I didn't play anywhere enough of that. Will Try VII once it's cooked for a year or so.

  • Its annoyed how they dripfeed dlc overyears with new races, leaders etc that could easily have just been in. Launch edition.

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