Destination: Kuala Lumpur
Airline: Air Asia
Valid Departure Dates: February to April 2025
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out
- Flights are via Kuala Lumpur (stopovers available, use the multi-city option)
- Checked-in luggage, meals and entertainment additional
- Kuala Lumpur is a great base to use in exploring Asia (also cheap business class flights to Europe)
Perth to Kuala Lumpur Flights from $239 Return.
26/Feb - 07/Mar $239
26/Feb - 09/Mar $239
01/Mar - 11/Mar $247
07/Mar - 17/Mar $247
10/Mar - 20/Mar $247
11/Mar - 21/Mar $247
13/Mar - 20/Mar $247
13/Mar - 23/Mar $247
15/Mar - 25/Mar $247
20/Mar - 25/Mar $247
Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur Flights from $328 Return.
05/Mar - 13/Mar $338
07/Mar - 20/Mar $328
07/Mar - 22/Mar $328
09/Mar - 22/Mar $328
11/Mar - 20/Mar $332
11/Mar - 22/Mar $332
14/Mar - 22/Mar $338
19/Mar - 01/Apr $328
21/Mar - 03/Apr $328
23/Mar - 01/Apr $328
- Please take into account any health and travel insurance requirements when traveling
- Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!
For this deal and more cheap and great value deals (not just focusing on budget carriers) visit and subscribe to flightfinderau
If you want to retain your sanity, avoid Air Asia like the plague. Worse than Jetstar. My last flight was "overbooked" after arriving 4h early to the airport; had to wait in a KL airport hotel for 36h before flying home.