Recently decided to end my AF membership as there rates are too high ($24/week sheesh). Have decided to go with a fitness passport due to it being cheaper and the higher flexibility in gym options. I was wondering how exactly fitness passports work. Will I need to pay for fobs, yearly maintenance fees for whichever gym I choose to go to? Do I need to pay for an access card for every gym that I visit or will fitness passport send me a dedicated card that allows access to any gym that are on their program?
When I was with AF previously I paid for an access key but chose to use the mobile app instead of a fob. If I visit an AF location with the fitness passport will I need to pay an access pass fee again or can I use the AF mobile app but link the fitness passport on there?
I dont think Anytime Fitness centres are associated with Fitness Passport (at least none of the ones near my home)