What Are The Options to Receive Push Notifications from OzBargain on Mobile?

Hi OzBers, I used to use the deprecated official OzB app which worked well however stopped working on Android 15.

I wonder what my options are now to receive pushed notifications?

I've tried:

  • 3rd-party apps incl. OzBargain PLUS, Aussie Bargain - none provide pushed notification
  • Enable Chrome notification on ozbargain.com.au - doesn't seem to work, likely because the OzB notification isn't a Chrome site notification

Appreciate suggestions and thanks!


  • OzBargain Telegram App - Get push notifications (web) for all OzBargain notifications, without the need for a separate OzBargain app. Click Start Notification with Telegram, once you have Telegram downloaded on your device.

    • Thx Mod. The start notification button simply takes me to the bot, the alternative command I keep getting

      Invalid /start command. Please log into website first and click on "settings" under "My Account".

      Any suggestion on how to connect the bot to my account?

      • Hmm, I just reconnected mine as a test. After clicking the blue 'Connect with @OzBNotificationBot' button here on your mobile browser, it should open Telegram app and look like this.

        • +1

          Humm mine says

          Invalid /start command. Please log into website first and click on "settings" under "My Account".

          • @Meovel: Does the alternative method work listed here ?

            Alternatively, start chat with @OzBNotificationBot and paste in this command:
            /start 'xxxxx'

            xxxxx = your unique command

            • @hamza23: No it doesn't, same error thrown, others seem to report the same problem below

  • I found Pushover app while searching for an app to convert emails into push notifications. While it costs $4.99 USD for the app, it works like wonders.

  • +10

    Give me your phone number i will call you when there is a good deals

    • This deserves a deal itself

  • Actually I realised the Chrome notification works on laptop, maybe some configs wrong on my mobile? I def have site notification enabled, just removed background restriction for Chrome app will see if it starts working.

    • +1

      Problem for mobile is that Chrome unload itself from the memory when it has not been active for a while so the connection to get the OzBargain notification gets closed.

      Currently Telegram bot is the best option. I don't think an OzBargain app is an option at the moment. However we could commission someone/ some team to work on / maintain a notification only app that basically just opens the browser — if we can maintain it in the long run.

      • Hello Scotty!
        Yep get your point.

        Just verified the Chrome notification does work if background restriction removed, maybe more battery consumption (?) I feel likely little, will see how it goes.

        Update - unfortunately seems only work when have website open.

        And thanks for running ozb.

      • Hi Scotty

        What about getting specific notifications/subscriptions that have been selected on comments/deals on an iPhone


        • Go to your settings page and you can configure notification there. Right now you can also use Telegram on iPhone to receive notification.

          • @scotty: Thanks Scotty but I’m still a bit confused

            All I can find on telegram is ozbargain deals - I wanted a notification to my phone for new comments, new message replies etc and not just deals

            It used to pop up from the app but hasn’t worked for a while

            • +1

              @Gotchas: OzBargain bot on Telegram will send you every notification that you'll otherwise receive on the website, that means comment replies, private messages, new deals, etc. Check this comment here.

              • @scotty: Think iv got it all except I get this now on telegram

                Invalid /start command. Please log into website first and click on "settings" under "My Account".

                • @Gotchas: Same

                  • @Meovel: What platform are you on?

                    I'm on Android & Chrome. I have clicked Stop and Start / Connect to Telegram multiple times just then and had no problem connecting the notification bot to my OzBargain account. There are also currently almost 400 other OzBargain users using Telegram to receive their notifications.

                  • @Meovel: I worked it out - paste unique command but make sure you paste the whole command by changing phone to landscape

                    • +1

                      @Gotchas: I will add a copy to clipboard button there to make it easier

      • I think you should make that app, get your foot in the door for a real app. It could potentially make a lot of money from affiliate links if a future app with access to the deals list/submit a deal fiction, and maybe forums too, if the app went viral and loads of normies started using the app to browse and search for deals. If you made it so affiliate links applied even to logged in users but only when they are using the app, I doubt many people would complain. It would be fair, to pay for the development of the app.

  • +1

    Just hit F5 or pull down on your mobile.

    • +1

      OP want it passive.

  • I forgot how I did it but you can get a discord bot to monitor the rss and post to your own channel/server - then get notifications when the bot posts

    There’s a few around eg.


  • +1

    I think Scotty should call me on my mobile when there is a great bargain to be had.

    • You're the next in the queue.

  • But… I’m on a OzBargain Premium Pro Max membership.
    Shouldn’t I be first?

    • +1

      You got it free so there's some discrimination

  • What about WhatsApp notification? That should be great. I can see airlines do that now. For orbargain would be great as well. I wonder how much WhatsApp charge or if it's free

    • +1

      I'm planning on a similar Whatsapp bot to relay OzBargain notifications. Whatsapp integration is quite a bit more tedious than Telegram though.

      • What are the costs for it to use their API?

        • Having to deal with Meta and their system?

          • @scotty: Lol. That's good to know.
            I meant is it like SMS where you need to pay few sent for notification to reach subscriber or is it free?

            • @bin555: Seriously. There might be API limits, but to get WhatsApp bot going, you'll need to have "WhatsApp Business" including having your business verified and possibly re-verified annually (which we need to do every year for the Facebook signin). They might do random audits which we need to respond to keep the account. It's just a lot more complicated than Telegram.

              • @scotty: I understand. Thanks. Hope you get it working.
                WhatsApp one would be amazing.

                Especially for times like now where catch.com.au deals are going off :)

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