Take an additional 15% off all April Skin, Axis-Y, Dr Althea, Geek & Gorgeous, K-Secret, Kundal, Purito, Skin1004 and Torriden Products skincare products at Lila Beauty using code G3WS15.
$6.95 standard shipping or free standard shipping for orders over $48. Free express shipping for orders over $120.
Sale ends midnight Wednesday 12/02/2025.
Some best-sellers from this sale includes:
Dr. Althea 345 Relief Cream 50ml Was $32.50. Now using code above $27.63
Dr. Althea Vitamin C Boosting Serum 30ml Was $$24.95. Now using code above $21.21
Axis-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum 50ml Was $18.95. Now using code above $16.11
Torriden Dive-In Low Molecule Hyaluronic Acid Serum 50ml Was $18.40. Now using code above $15.64
Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Asiatica Ampoule 100ml Was $20.95. Now using code above $17.81
Purito Oat-In Calming Gel Cream 100ml Was $21.80. Now using code above $18.53
Geek & Gorgeous A-Game 10 Retinal Serum 30ml Was $34.95. Now using code above $29.71
Also you can stack it with these free gift offers if meeting the required spend from specific brands which can be seen on the offer page here:
We also have many other Korean, Japanese and some US skincare products so hopefully you can find something of interest! :)
Anyone used Dr Althea products before and can provide a review?