Pokemon TCG: Poké Ball Tin or Stacking Tin $20 Each (C&C Only) @ Target


Various products on clearance at Target.

Stacking Tins, Pokeball tins and Kingambit collection seem to be click and collect only!

Stacking tins
Pokeball tins
@ $20 each. 3 packs in each

Shrouded fable kingambit collection
Paradox Clash tin
Houndstone ex Collection
@ $30 each. 4 packs in each

Armourage ex collection @ $50 each. 5 packs in each

Shrouded fable collection looks pretty good with the singles prices sky rocketing

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Target Australia


  • If anyone knows the packs in these tins/collections feel free to add it to the post

    • +2

      In the balls there are
      1 S&V base
      1 OBF
      1 Paradox Rift

  • Good luck finding any stock with the current Pokemon TCG craze…

    • Some could be at a cpl of the brissy stores ‘allegedly’

    • Yeah its been OOS online since yesterday.

  • Managed to get Paradox Clash tin and Houndstone ex Collection. Both delivered but OnePass made it free.

  • +1

    0 stock near me as usual. Actually impossible to buy pokemon cards in store anywhere around north/west sydney.

    • Ive been tracking stock online target, stock is flying atm

      • The Pokemon cards really have been flying, the distributor must not have much stock at the moment, the warehouse is not sending our store much at all, unsure if it's the same at all stores. We have not had any single packs in a load for about about 2-3 weeks at this point, it actually amazes me how it's all a craze again. We got some Prismatic in today, that all flew off the shelves.

        • Only people buying them as soon as they hit the shelves are scalpers it's pathetic.

          People need to stop paying over MSRP for this shit, same people complaining they can't afford a house or their electricity bill.

        • Were they ETBs? How did anyone even know they came in?

          • @kujaultima: No idea how people knew, word of mouth I suppose. We got Binder Collections in today, ETB restock was last week. They too were gone in under an hour.

          • @kujaultima: insider info feeding the scalpers

  • +1

    Airport West (VIC) has 1 stacking tin and a couple of Houndstone box's left
    Was there 20 mins ago

  • Looks like the only things available for delivery are the paradox tins, houndstone and armourage collections. Showing limited stock for the kingambit collections but still two or three around for pickup at each store near me

  • I saw the bloke in Toowoomba who buys this all and sells it at massive mark up. I laughed when I saw his 151 posters for 100 bucks each but they our out of stock now. So maybe it worked for him. I definitely enjoy opening a few packs but I'm glad I can easily not especially in the midst of this craze.

  • FYI https://www.target.com.au/p/pokemon-tcg-bloodmoon-ursaluna-e… has surging sparks in it for anyone after that pack

  • +1

    cheers for sharing this, picked up 4 Paradox Clash tins. Very new to pokemon collecting so it's nice to buy for a decent price

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