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[Switch] Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition $6.44 @ Nintendo eShop


Lowest price ever as according to Deku Deals.

The Spiritfarer® Farewell Edition is the definitive edition of the award-winning cozy management game about dying. It brings together the base game beloved by over 1 million players, and all the additional content released to date. See why critics called Spiritfarer one of the Best Games of 2020.

You play Stella, ferrymaster to the deceased, a Spiritfarer. Build a boat to explore the world, then befriend and care for spirits before finally releasing them into the afterlife. Farm, mine, fish, harvest, cook, and craft your way across mystical seas. Join the adventure as Daffodil the cat, in two-player cooperative play. Spend relaxing quality time with your spirit passengers, create lasting memories, and, ultimately, learn how to say goodbye to your cherished friends. Includes the heartwarming base game and three major content updates: explore an expanded world and befriend four new spirit friends!

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  • +1

    I purchased the base game quite a while back on Nintendo Switch, when I looked at this deal the site said "purchased".

    From what I've read online, there is only one version on the Nintendo eshop, if you purchased the base game on Switch then you already have this "farewell edition" as the base game should now contain this DLC (might need to download an update though).

    Posting to this to save some confusion, I hope.

  • Great game

  • I don't own a switch but plan to get switch 2 for my child. Should i create an account under my name and buy this now, or create an account for her and buy under her name? I believe i can link accounts but not sure.

    • +1

      On the switch you can have multiple accounts on the 1 switch and each one could access a digital game the other one had downloaded.

      • Thanks. What about games staying with an account? If she needs a new switch 5 years later i assume the best thing to do would be to purchase under her account so she doesn't lose it?

        • IMO, just buy everything under your account, any other account holders on the same co sole can play the game under their own account. This allows you to control purchases etc and you can buy 10%/20%/25% off eshop cards, load the credit to your account then password lock purchases, which I find useful.

          In 5 years time, you might have an issue if your child gets their own switch and wants to play those games on that other switch (as you can only have your account active on one switch at a time I believe). But also, 5 years from now, who knows what could happen, most people dont keep playing their full library of games for 5 years or more and for games worth less than $10, I wouldnt worry too much.

          Physical games (when available/an option) make sharing games easier and can be resold in the future, Nintendo games hold value well (Nintendo tax etc.).
          My 2 cents.

          • @A 1: Thanks. It seems like it's moot anyway, it needs me to access the shop via my console linked to my account before I can purchase (which I can't do since I don't own one!)

            • @Morbo66: I didn't know that was a requirement but you're right, that does appear to be the case.

              If you know anyone else with a switch, it might be possible for you to temporarily sign in on their switch with your account to activate your account and purchase the games you want. Never tried this myself though, so I don't know how feasible it is, just trying to help out.

              • @A 1: Nah don't know anyone. Appreciate the help anyway! I'll just wait for the switch 2i guess

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