Gonna dump a few UHF radio deals I have found from my looking around for work 5W radios.
My go to GOAT radio for work, the ever reliable and sturdy GME TX6160… (I believe that this unit has now been superseded by the TX6165)
I have always owned and used these and the TX677 2W units. Reliable AF and super easy to buy parts for (ie: cases/antennas, because some people cant have nice things) and made in Australia. (Edit: only the TX6600 and XRS appear to be "made in Australia")
Bad news, they only seem to have the "camo" ones left. No black/pink/blue units if you cared about colour.
No code needed (they have a "coupon" space on their site if you find one) and at this price, it was so much cheaper that I could find anywhere else (most places were $250++)
If anyone gets a code to work for a discount, let me know, I'll update the post.
Side note, they also have an eBay store mbRADIO with the same item for $202 if you have a eBay voucher you wanted to use up.
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