GME XRS-660 Handheld UHF Radio $420.71 ($395.96 eBay Plus) Delivered @ Sparesbox eBay

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I know UHF Radios are not that exciting on OzBargain, but I need a new UHF radio for work and was looking around at a few and just ended up down a rabbit hole of devices, but all I knew was that I needed a 5W unit (because of where we will be working) and being a person who loved overrated tech and superfluous functions I'll never need, I ended up finding these GME XRS-660 units and wrote them off as "outside the budget" at most being $500+ and an RRP of $549. Ended up giving up and was going to just buy the trusted and true TX6160.

The XRS-660 is literally overkill for a UHF handheld radio. But it has bluetooth and a phone app, which are things I like :D

And yeah yeah, I know it's "Sparesbox" and all, but how wrong could it go. They had one of the cheapest prices I could fine and then this 20% off code (For eBay Plus members) cutting the price down again. I half expect uncle Jack to have been around, but seems not.

15% off price is still pretty respectable considering these are the cheapest I could fine PRE-discount code. $425 with 15% discount.

GME Australia XRS-660 product page.

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  • -4

    Do yourself and your wallet a favour and get a Quansheng UV-K6 radio. You can use chirp to set your 80 UHF channels into memory. All for a fraction of the price.

    And if you want to continue further down the rabbit hole, search this radio on YT. So many mods and firmware upgrades if that's your thing.

    • +1

      Lets not go down this rabit hole again. The Quansheng and Baofeng Radios, all that chinese stuff is not legal because they are not locked down. They are open to frequencies where you require a license. So if caught, you can be fined.

      Always best to do the right thing and ensure that any communications equipment is compliant and/or you have the relevant licenses.

    • +3

      Yeah, nah… Thanks all the same. Been there, done that with Baofeng radios and they are shit. They are just not the right bands for use out here as their frequency bands are right on the end of Aussie UHF and sometimes they are programmed outside their parameters and they just dont function well.

      Added to that, these are for work and I cant be having ACMA reaming me out on worksites for using illegally imported Chinese radios that are programmed out of band.

      Home use, for kids in the back yard, sure… Work paying… Yeah, nah.

    • +2

      I have GME and Uniden UHF radios, and several Baofeng dual-band handhelds that I have programmed to UHF CB.
      My experience is that they just aren't as good on 477-480 MHz as the real CB-only handhelds.
      Antennas not optimised for that frequency. Incoming discriminators/band-pass filters the same, so picks up more interference.

      Maybe not true for this Quansheng, but did think I'd mention this. If you really only want a simple 80 channel UHF CB, the high-end GME, Uniden, Icom, etc models are the best IMO

      • -2

        Yes.,.,.. an Audi is a better car than a MG.
        But that's not the point, bring price into your review before you jump so quick.

        • +3

          There’s a difference between one having more bells and whistles and one just not performing it’s core function well.

          • @NuttyGoodness: What does yours not do?

            • @Jessie Ryder: I don’t have one

              You’re comparing between luxury brands with your example, but it’s not a good comparison because the core function of these ones doesn’t work well here.

              “Antennas not optimised for that frequency. Incoming discriminators/band-pass filters the same, so picks up more interference.”

      • I find my Baofeng good enough for recreational use. Of course if you're buying for work then you can justify investing more.

        • +4

          If we were to buy illegal Baofengs for work and someone died because their radio wouldn’t transmit far enough, or clear enough or for some other reason, ACMA would throw the book at us and WorkCover would eat us alive.

          It’s not about “investing more”, it’s about safety and operating within the legal framework… for a mess about radio you use twice a year, sure, get a Baofeng, but for work situations and communications being a top priority, you need a radio that is built to purpose and legal to operate.

          So, for work, it’s more about “legality” and “safety” than it is about “price”.

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