• expired

[Pre Order] LG 27GX790A-B 27" OLED 480Hz Monitor $1,151.28 @ LG Edu VIP Program


This is my first post idk if the formatting is dogshit.

The asus is going for $1800 dollars, so this price is much better even though the monitor has marginally less features as the asus.

You need an EDU email account, sign up with it on the LG website, and then go into "my account" and select upgrade to VIP, then the monitor goes down to $1,439.10. In the checkout section, use the code LGGRADEUPGEARUP20 for an additional 20% off and it goes down to $1152.28 which is a pretty ludicrous price.

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  • I just bought this on last week's deal for $1295 😭😭😭

    Great monitor so far, absolutely huge upgrade from my 1440p 144hz IPS in terms of motion and refresh rate

    • -1

      Same 😭😭

      Insane deal, didn't think it could go any lower. Cheaper than the 360Hz are going for and only a couple hundred more than the 240Hz models.

      • -1

        Glad I'm not the only one 😂 super good price compared to the 360hz models at the moment at least

  • :( Does anyone have a .EDU email i could use

    • you can try mine just private dm me

  • +4

    Wow the code also works with the corporate price, bring it down under $900

    • +1

      corporate price? wdym by that

      • If you work for eligible corporate businesses you can get it for cheaper.

        You can use this to register and check whether your corporate email is eligible for this program by clicking "duplicate check". Usually, HR emails you about additional perks such as partners with LG, etc…

        • damn, qbe and verizon dont work, sad

    • What company works?

      • The forums suggest CBA, Westpac, Newscorp and AussieBB

        • Are you apart of any of those companies? or managed to use an email address with their domain name or smth?

        • I don't think Aussie BB emails work

    • You are the GOAT

    • How exactly does it work? I have a friend who signed up up using their corporate westpac account but he said he doesn't see the LG 27GX790A-B 27" available in the list of monitors.

      • add it to cart through the OP's link, it still works however bringing it down to $900 no longer works as the code is invalid as per comments below

  • 480Hz is a bit excessive and unecessary, no? Any science on whether humans can perceive motion at this rate? From memory, I thought it was a bit over 100Hz.

    What this rate means is the video card needs to render way more frames, and send that data down the cable to your monitor. All requiring expensive and resource-intensive tech.

    • I can percieve the difference between 144hz and 165hz. 240hz is a pretty big jump from those aswell. 480hz is a lot, but easily reachable on competitive titles with a decent rig. If you play competitive games this 480hz will give you a small but noticeable advantage over say 240hz.

    • https://youtu.be/fgnYCo29-Zk

      Take a look at the slow motion footage from the first 30 seconds of this video. 480Hz is insanely smooth, and eSports titles can hit this with fairly modest hardware. Unmatched gaming experience if that's what you play.

      • -8

        We don't live in a slow motion world in reality, we're living in real time world…its unnoticeable for human eyes.

    • +2

      Studies have shown we can perceive a difference at over 500hz.


      What this rate means is the video card needs to render way more frames, and send that data down the cable to your monitor. All requiring expensive and resource-intensive tech

      While that's true you also don't have to render that many frames for the monitor. Like almost all gaming focused monitors these days this has variable refresh rate, so the refresh rate of the monitor will match the framerate of the input. This can be up to 480hz, but also all the way down to 60. The games where super high framerates can be helpful (mostly esports games) are also usually made to not be very intensive to run so these framerates are achievable.

      • Thanks spartan. Interesting, I’ll look into it.

        Yeah I recall hearing about variable frame rates, actually. I’m not much of a gamer these days.

    • sounds perfect for NVIDIA DLSS 4 MFG, efficiency of AI generated frames

      120 (high power) x4 (low power) = 480

      how much we can perceive vs value is another story

      NVIDIA focused on promoting 30 x4 = 120 but i reckon artifacting from less real frames to interpret would bug the hell out of me at which case 60-120 base frame rate is the only way MFG makes sense thus these high refresh rate monitors start to make sense

    • For competitive titles, not excessive. These games can usually be ran above 400-500fps on even mid-tier computers. For the average singleplayer/non-competetive game, given that it even runs at that frame-rate, it would be quite excessive. Humans can perceive the differences, although it comes down to diminishing returns the higher you go. If you were to compare a 144hz monitor with a 480hz one, you WILL notice the difference. But with 360hz compared to 480hz, the amount of people that could blindly chose which is the 480hz monitor would be significantly less. The benefits in a competitive setting are still there, as in those games it can come down to milliseconds on whether you get the kill or not. (which is why professionals play on LAN, as even 7ms of ping can be detrimental).

  • +1

    How much for the 32" Monitor 32GS95UE?

    • +1


  • Stupid question, but if I already have a monitor, but only 1 port on the pc, what's the BEST way to have a dual screen set up?

    • +2

      Not a stupid question at all - depends a bit of the type of PC, most will allow you to just buy a USB dock (they'll often have 1/2/3 outputs) you can use.

      If it's a desktop that supports a PCIe card, you can install a graphics card that'll have a few more outputs for you

      • +1

        Really appreciate you! Had no idea what to type into a search.

        This seems like a decent option, figure it'll do what I need it too. 27% off too for anyone in ozbargain land that might be like me


    • +1

      be careful many docks won't work unless pc supports DP over USB-C and if a dock does work (on unsupported pc) it's got its own built-in graphics which can be as bad as videos looking like a slideshow

      also if your only aware of HDMI, many PC's also have DisplayPort which some may not realise you can also connect a monitor to it, if your monitor doesn't support DP you can use a DP to HDMI adapter

  • Anyone think this would make a difference on a RX 5700XT which can really really only power 1440p at about 144-160fps in games like Overwatch 2 but no where near 480Hz..?

    This or maybe hold out for the Dual Mode 4k/1080p (240hz/480hz) one so gaming at 1080p can at least meet the FPS levels..(and then use 4k for work mode)?

  • Is this WOLED?

    • Sorry, it's said on the picture, WOLED indeed, my foolish

      • yes - and the RGWB sub-pixel structure, so much improved text clarity

  • Uhbr20 dp 2.1? Cam anyone confirm the bandwidth of the dp 2.1 port

    • 54Gbps, the same with those on AMD Radeon 7000s

  • -4

    Even still it's hard to recommend at this price when you can get deals on the Samsung g5 27" oled at 360hz for 560ish.

    • +4

      PLEASE enlighten me where I can find such a price, post your own deal for it to be frank

  • LG is 8% on Cashrewards right now, stack on top of discounted price

    • +1

      No longer eligible for cashback if you use a coupon code not listed on the site

      • They say that but personally I have used codes before on a couple of sites & it has still "tracked" & then ultimately been paid but hey, YMMV. Personally I would still try every time as you have nothing to lose.

        But also, if you give it some thought, Cashrewards etc are working with at least 100 different retailer websites, which use all sorts of codes & have different backend systems running their websites - how could Cashrewards etc have the technology to stop cashback tracking unless an "approved" code is used? I reckon they try to just say "not eligible for cashback " as the retailers want to avoid double stacking wherever possible as it costs them so much more

  • My payment failed for some reason shown on the LG order status, even though I had more than enough money in my bank account, now it is saying "coupon has already been used".

  • +1

    DHL tracking link obtained and was dispatched today and arriving tomorrow, thought this was going to be sent next week lol

    • wtf no way lol, mine is on "picking up for delivery", I guess not a pre-order afterall?

      • God its such an amazing monitor, will be waiting for when LG releases a 4K OLED 240hz version to go alongside this.

        • mine just sent out for shipping! Excited for you, happy to get you a lil discount. What was your previous monitor?

          • @99muppets: Had 3 32" 4K Dell IPS 144hz panels - however returned them as they all came damaged and kept rocking my IPS 4K 60hz and IPS 1440p 240hz monitor

    • DHL is insanely fast. It took just half a day from Syd to Mel. Dispatched last night and I just received that

      • DHL has shipped items from New York to my door in 49 hours, really is the most superb courier service,

  • +1

    Pre-ordered 7 Feb 2025, delivered this morning.

  • +1

    Can't get the code to to work with the 10% VIP discount, says not available or not valid when I try to use it logged in. When I log out the code works fine.

    • +1

      I'm having the same issue. I emailed them.

      • Live chat told me that the code is only for people who clicked a button and that it was a one time use code… Not much help

    • +1

      This code was apart of a promotion about a month ago, I believe the code was supposed to just be linked to the account that was made via the promotion. So only those types of accounts could use the code, however, I was able to use the code on any account, seems they may have fixed it or something, ill try out another account or smth

      • +1

        It was usable for me but my payment failed, then I had to contact them to cancel it to allow the code back in. The second time the payment failed again for me, call again, code back in but this time isn’t the same error message, it’s the new “not available for this product”. Also the fact that you can log out and use the the code adds to the confusion. LG's webstore is a mess.

        • same

          • +1

            @Meteor Anarcom: hi, FYI code works again, popped up in my selection again today, managed to make the purchase.

            • @Romiyo: Thank you. I had already given up buying this. Now order placed

        • very strange, they might have caught on and realised they can't be selling this for 450 under msrp, unfortuanate.

          • @99muppets: They should at least honor my attempts at purchasing twice in the last 2 days with lots of waiting time with the phone calls. Hopefully they get back to me with something viable.

      • Did you have any luck using it with another account?
        I've tried using my EDU account but it says "FREELYPARTNER10" is a code that is not available on the product or is not valid."

    • +1

      hi, FYI code works again, popped up in my selection again today, managed to make the purchase.

      • We can report it In Stock/Available Again. I have just done that

  • Honestly waiting for a 27" OLED UHD/4K 240hz panel to come out with LG

  • Can anyone confirm when the promotion for the coupon code "LGGRADEUPGEARUP20" started?

    I made my purchase on February 6th, and the only promotion available at that time was a $50 discount for new members. This coupon code didn’t seem to exist back then.

    I also placed my order through Cashrewards, but it hasn’t been tracked yet.

    • works again with education email bringing it down to $1151, I used shopback 7% cashback too and it gave me another $91 cashback being traced now but not sure if it will go through. Essentially a $1060 480hz oled monitor, good deal.

      • Did the cashback go through?

        • Under "tracking" and lists as Confirmed by 16 May 2025. Looks like it should go through.

  • Now expired

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