ANZ Account Reset Process Needs Credit Card and PIN

Just trying to log into my ANZ online banking, and said account was suspended.

To reset, need my CC number, Pin and phone.

Is it just me or does supplying your full CC and Pin seems a tad suss?

Surely other ways to do it?

Ringing up just says to go through the 'process'

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  • +2

    is it just me or does supplying your full CC and Pin seems a tad suss?

    Yes it does, call ANZ and see what they say.

    Internet banking enquiries number is 13 33 50, but don't trust me. Check the website to confirm.

    • Not all heroes……Yada Yada Yada.

    • +1

      i went through the standard anz line, but all i gets a recorded ' go through the website and follow the process' spiel
      talking to a person seems impossible

  • seems a tad suss

  • what does the App say ?

    • +1

      How do you expect OP to log into app when they are trying to reset lol

      • in case the in-app process matches the online banking/web

    • It says, enter your CC number, CVV, PIN and 2FA code we sent you into this page and we'll get back to you.

  • +1

    Try logging in on another device/computer.

    The request for info seems suss to the point that I wouldn't be surprised that it's an elaborate scam.

  • Scam big time, banks will require you to call them rather than asking you for those details.

  • I've just done the dance with anz too.
    I dont have a card, dont have the CRN
    I cant login, on the phone 133350 the recorded message says use the app, and hangs up.
    I cant login, on the phone 133350 the recorded message says …

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