So I need to get a new basic work phone, and I'm all out of hand-me-down phones.
The phone just needs to do:
- Wifi hotspotting to a windows laptop
- use the Microsoft lens app (or something you think is better?) for scanning documents and then emailing.
- text and call
I was thinking the Opel SmartX65
Do any of you have any experience with that phone? Or any other cheap phones you think are better for the above needs?
Depending on the network of your SIM card, wouldn't using a prepaid mobile phone be a better and cheaper alternative? You can easily find on clearance cheap Telstra/Optus/Vodafone prepaid packs for between $30 and $50.
One example:
https://www.coles.com.au/product/optus-moto-e13-4g-1-each-63… for $74
Telstra sells it https://www.telstra.com.au/mobile-phones/prepaid-mobiles/mot… for $149
and others sell if unlocked for ~$167: https://www.bunnings.com.au/motorola-e13-ds-64gb-2gb-6-5-vf-…