OzBargain Newsletter Not Sent out 9th Feb/10th Feb

Anyone notice that the Ozbargain newsletter did not get sent out on Sunday 9th Feb and Monday 10th Feb? One of my favorite parts of the day and it didn't come through :(
Checked with the minister for finances and she was the same.


  • It’s called minister of finances

    • Yikes edited before she sees

  • +3

    I demand a refund for my premium membership for this month

  • There was a connection issue between servers with yesterday's newsletter and some may not have received it, we are looking into it.

    Edited: This morning's newsletter process seems okay, but it's taking a little longer and it hasn't completed yet. If you don't receive it by 10am 11am, please let us know.

    • Confirm receipt, doing god's work. Never knew how badly I needed my fix of deals until I didn't get it!

    • No newsletter for 18th of Feb mod?

      • The newsletter went out, I can see the morning and evening newsletter were received here. If you can't find it in your junk, contact us via TWAM and we can have a closer look.

  • +1

    Is this the point we demand a change of CEO?

  • What's the difference between a newsletter and hitting F5 every 3 minutes?

    • +1

      F5? I have just been restarting my PC each time.

    • It's very therapeutic to read on the tram in the morning

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