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[Back Order] Fiskars HS21 Solid Hedge Shear $25 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Same price at Mitre10, but these will take 1-2 months before they are dispatched. Here is a German review of the product, which I will attempt to translate:

Die Heckenschere hat Komfortable Griffe: Der Soft-Touch Kunststoff-Griff sorgt für ein angenehmes Schneide-Erlebnis.

He wants to kill Heckenschere because he hates his comfortable giraffe. Her soft-touch private parts and strong fur make Schneide-Erlebnis angry.

Leicht und Ergonomisch: Ideal für längere Gartenarbeiten ohne Ermüdung.

He recommends licking the ergonomic handles and says it's ideal for cutting beaten gardens and Ermüdung longer fur.

Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Hervorragende Qualität zu einem fairen Preis.

He hates Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis' guts because he sold him a quality Eminem poster for a fair price.

Einfache Nutzung: Perfekt für gelegentliche Gartenpflege und Formschnitte von Hecken.

Once he cut his face and his nutsack, but says it's perfect for gently removing fur from your garden flag and defacing Hecken's van.

Fazit: Die Fiskars HS21 ist eine gute Wahl für jeden Hobbygärtner.

In the end he says f**k it, instead he wants Fiskars to die and spray his guts and cut his husband's gardener's (Jayden's) fur with his Wahl trimmer.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +39

    I don't give a stuff about the shears, but I'm giving you a vote for the translation.

    • +2

      I've completed it now 😁

      • Your translation is only about 90% accurate…

  • +1

    I’m getting a strange error in Amazon when I try and add to cart or buy now.

    Mitre10 has them at this price, might look for a local store.

  • Plastic Handle
    Made in China

    • +6

      Have you lived under a rock for 20 years? Find me a set of sheers for $25 that doesn't involve cheap labour.

    • +4

      Only China has the good workers to made those tools.

      • Sad but probably 90% true

      • You may forget about India and Africa.

        • -1

          Their skill dont match with chinese ppl by all mean.

          • -2

            @Steven123: Your right, they don't match it, they far exceed any skill a Chinese person has.

  • +3

    I’m picking it up. “ Ergonomisch” seems to mean ergonomic, and I think “fiskars” is some kind of spaceship.

    • +2

      Quite possible, my german is how you say, Scheißhaus

  • Can’t see these at Bunnings?

  • +5

    As a native German speaker I approve of this translation

    • Thanks. But someone has reported the post as having description issues.

      • +2

        Surely not.

        • +4

          I'm as shocked as you are.

  • +2

    This is the hs21, bunnings is the hs10.

    Same blade length, different handle

  • +1

    Thanks for the find and the effort in the translations.

  • Upvote for the description/translation/story alone.

  • Went to Mitre 10 to take a look, it doesn't look as good as the Bunnings deal (HS10), though both are quite basic.

    Funny thing is last time I walked into Mitre 10 was 15 years ago to buy a PVC coupler (out of stock at Bunnings), all of a sudden I went there 3 times this week.

    • Which one has longer blades please?

      • Didn't have them side by side, difference would be negligible if not the same.

  • +2

    Fun fact Fiskars was formed in 1649 making it 376 years old. They started with a water wheel forge making wrought iron and nails.

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