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Fiskars HS10 Sculpting Hedge Shears $25 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store/ OnePass) @ Bunnings


Looks like a decent reduction on some fiskars. Usually about $45

Stock: https://bunnings.youinstock.com.au/search/0241659

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  • +2

    needed a new set of clippers

  • -2

    Good price but hard to find a use for them that all my electric tools can't do in half the time.

    • +2

      Have these. They're excellent at providing a clean cut, especially topiary. I use this for more precise shaping, and electric trimmers for hedges

  • Good deal, will add this to my Fiskars tool collection, cheers.

  • +2

    Or as they say in German,

    Fiskars HS10 Bildhauer-Heckenschere 25 $ + Lieferung (0 $ C&C/Im Laden/OnePass) @ Bunnings

  • How's HS10 different than HS21 in the other deal, other than the handle?

    Looks like a tension adjuster on the HS10, makes it a bit more versatile?

    Not too sure about Fiskars these days, I have this one on the watchlist, no sale yet.

    • +4

      Went to Mitre 10 to check out the HS21, HS10 is better (better ergonomics and adjustable tension).

  • +1

    Do these get rusted?

    • +1

      At Bunnings there were like 4 different brands, the cheapest 2x, blue green colour one and and the red black one even the stock they had were already rusting! These were about 30 bucks sticker.

      Fiskar and the other one Green and Black colour were 45 bucks range and no rust. So Fiskar it is.

      • Does anyone know how to get rid of the rust?

        • +1

          If it's lightly rusted, I would suggest steel wool, clean the tool after use and apply a little oil to reduce exposure to moisture.

          I had some people recommend storing some tools in a bucket of oiled sand (more info on gerdening Australia website). Never tried it myself, so I don't know how effective it is.

        • +1

          If it's rusting on the cutting edge/side of the blade it simply means you are not using it enough. I find that even when lightly rusted, it does not impact the performance, once it starts to get used the shearing action actually gets rid of the surface rust.

          Rust on the non cutting edge or outside surface of blade doesn't really matter.

          But if it's aesthetics you are after, prevention is better, spray it with wd40 and let it dry. Rub it with any oil-based grease/oil all prevents rusting.

          Once rusted tho you are needing to physically remove rust, steel wool like A1 said, worse…sandpaper on a sanding block. I find that once you have to start doing abrasives like sandpaper…it's downhill from here.

  • Anyone know of a longer one that's good for pruning vines / trees?

    • Longer as in telescopic handles? Or longer blades?

    • Telescopic one here…

      I managed to jag a set of these on a previous deal few years back, the one I ordered was OOS so they gave me these. They're quite good, light enough, easy to adjust length etc. But, they are pricey at nearly $100.

  • -1

    Any left-handed pinking shears?

  • +2

    Bought one. Now to find a hedge….

    • +1

      Look down, your personal bush might need a trim.

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