Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Confirms Pin without Tapping Ok

Received the S25U yesterday and trying to set the 4 digits pin and unlock without tapping ok from google search tips. It doesnt work for me this time. Has anyone able to set 4 digits pin without tapping ok? Thanks.….


  • +1

    is it really an issue?

    • +1

      Man, I just realised I need to do the ok thingy, but who still use pin if you can finger print?

      • "but who still use pin if you can finger print?"
        1. When screen locks from too many fingerprint attempts
        2. Dirty fingers, leads to 1
        3. Wearing gloves
        4. Having a mark on screen protector right over the sensor, leads to 1
        5. Phone in pocket thinks you are trying to unlock it (even with the ignore setting), leads to 1
        6. You are driving and passenger is unlocking in order to shake and win before getting to HJs so know whether to stop or not
        Signed; Sometimes frustrated Note 20 ultra user (and yes, it is a hand me down phone)

  • +1

    The fix is in your link? They even have S25 Ultra lol

    You know it is skill issue XD

  • S24 Ultra is the same. It's a OneUI thing.

    It changed around OneUI 6.

  • tried many times with that link but not getting it… just wondering anyone has s25 having the same issue?

  • I've never been able to have that. Have always had to tap ok on my S24 Ultra :(

    • S24 ultra was ok without tapping for me. Now i remove and re set again it didnt work. So i guess it is due to the latest one ui version

  • Using fingerprint is faster than using pin, yes? Four digits pin is too short and easy for thieves behind you to remember the pin …

    Usually I use fingerprint or pattern for my phones, not pin.

  • Thanks. This was actually driving me crazy. I'm forced to use a pin with my work MS365 security settings.

  • +2

    4 digit pin = press OK to unlock
    6 digit pin = unlocks without 'ok'
    Drove me nuts when they changed it! I now have a 6 digit pin…

  • +1

    If you still haven't figured it out, let me share a ridiculous trick with you.

    I found this in a Korean community, and I hope it helps:

    Set a 6-digit PIN, then select "Unlocks without 'OK'".
    Drag to select the last two digits of the PIN in a box. (e.g., for 123456, select 56)
    Delete the selected digits and quickly press Next—you have to do it super fast! 😂
    I tried this method myself, and now I'm using a 4-digit PIN without any issues.
    Give it a shot! 😆

    • This is hilariously dumb, but works. Great find

    • thanks for your reply. i did see this trick and some said delete the last 2 digits and press 'next' at the same time.. either way I have tested at least 50 times and still doesn't work.. very annoying…

  • When you setup a pin, there is a tick box under it which says “confirm pin without tapping ok”. Select that and you will not need to tap ok after entering pin.

  • Anyone experiencing bad battery life with s25 ultra?

    • i find the battery life is better than s24u, but definitely due to new battery

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