• out of stock

Ortega Kitchen 12-Bottle Wine Rack 1 for $14.98, 2 for $11.98ea + Delivery (Free Delivery with OnePass) @ Catch


Don't ask me how the math works.
The item is originally $29.95 with 50% off making it $14.98

The item also says "Buy 2 save 30%" which isn't supposed to stack with other deals, however I gave it a spin and both discounts stack, presumably you're saving an additional 30% off the RRP as well.

All I know is I bought 6 for $35.94 with free one pass shipping which is insanely cheap.

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  • thanks mate, got 2

    • +1

      Nice, you'd have to be a bit of a drongo to get just 1.

  • Sometime two is better than one. Thanks OP

  • My order keeps getting cancelled. Any one else?

  • Thanks ,ordered 2

  • Says they're stackable, but how?

    • It applies in your cart. There's no code… they are promotions

    • +4

      If you mean the product itself, it's modular and they just join together to any size you want.

      • It would have to come with spare black parts to connect it to another set though, otherwise you're literally just stacking one on the other?

    • +1

      You can usually buy additional joining pieces to link two of this style of rack together.

    • +1

      Does anyone actually know how to stack these? I've got 3, but unless they literally sit on top of each other (loosely), there's no way of connecting them…

      • If you read lostanairpods comment above they clearly know what they're on about

        • You will be left will some extra wood bits. Remove a wooden array from one side of them and then use the other complete set to connect into the vacant metal black parts. Hope that makes sense, hard to explain in words

          • @lostanairpod: Just reading your comments below digital ninja, it seems it might be a different system to the one i have - sorry about that, my advice probably won't be very helpful

            • @lostanairpod: Yep. Thanks. I think it's a different model. Can't seem to find a way of fitting them together. No matter if you remove sections, etc… Doesn't work. Might have to just put a plank of wood between them and stack like that.

  • Cheers, ordered 2.

  • Sold out already.

  • Thanks OP, good deal! I also got 6 for $6ea with free onepass shipping. Noice.

  • +1

    Was in my cart, added another item and noticed the price has adjusted during checkout lol

  • oh well now i need to buy 12 wines to be able to use this bargain rack

  • Back in stock, sans the 2 for $11.98 each offer.

  • darn, got the first one ordered when 40% off!

  • Does anyone actually know how to stack these? I've got 3, but unless they literally sit on top of each other (loosely), there's no way of connecting them…

    • Personally I am going to put them sideways, but at a guess.. does the bottom (or top) wooden peg come off? The most logical idea would be to join the top spoke of the bottom one to the existing bottom wooden peg on the top

      • The wooden peg comes off yes, however the issue lies in the metal spokes. They run to the end of the wooden pegs and also form an "X" in the middle of each one, so it would be impossible for two sides of metal spokes to share one peg, if that makes sense. The spokes would have to end at the middle of the wooden peg to form a "meet me halfway" situation. Quite puzzling.

        • Once I get it.. I’ll post back my findings. Or we can ask catch before they close down

  • These are a nightmare to assemble, would not recommend.

    • Yes, I wouldn’t pay full price… managed to get through it though, for what I paid it was ok.

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