Came across a few bargains at Bunnings Delacombe today. Plenty of stock of the Stanley knives. Usually $9.98, these were all marked down to $5. Looks to be usual price online though. Can be found in the tool shop.
Came across a few bargains at Bunnings Delacombe today. Plenty of stock of the Stanley knives. Usually $9.98, these were all marked down to $5. Looks to be usual price online though. Can be found in the tool shop.
You would hurt yourself doing that
These were about $16 previously, and dropped down to $10 or $12 a few times.
These are REALLY good for what they are, much better than equivalents that cost $30 or more. Sturdy, easy to one-hand open, lightweight, clip works well, easy to swap blades.
I bought a heap of these last year, to have spares in the cupboard, at this price I'll be buying a bunch more.
I would jump on them if they were in syd