• expired

Samsung T7 Shield Portable 4TB SSD $449 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bing Lee | $337 Delivered @ digiDirect via Catch (OOS)

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Sold out: $347 @ digiDirect via Catch.com.au. https://www.catch.com.au/product/samsung-4tb-portable-t7-shield-3-2-usb-c-ssd-black-mu-pe4t0s-ww-22677935?pid=22677935&sid=Samsung%20Ssd%20T7%20Shield%204TB&st=136&sp=1&oid=77128762

Credit to ayoole! Further $10 OFF code: FURTHER10

The only 'catch' is that Catch.com.au is closing down soon. Since the SSD is from digiDirect, I'd assume you might be able to contact them for warranty issues?

Specs: https://www.samsung.com/au/memory-storage/portable-ssd/t7-sh…

$449 @ Bing Lee: https://www.binglee.com.au/products/4tb-pssd-t7-shield-1050m…

OW (Officeworks): https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/samsung-4t…

T7 shield is TLC in case anyone needed to know.

QLC vs. TLC: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/b9j2jh/qlc_vs_tlc…

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Bing Lee
Bing Lee


  • +5

    Currently available for $337 at catch.com.au with code FURTHER10

    • +1

      Ordered, thanks!

      • Me too! :)

    • Thanks! Not seen it this price for I think well over a year now. Ordered one.

    • Does Officeworks pricebeat Catch? I have a voucher for Officeworks so would prefer to shop there.

      • Probably? Just quote the model: Samsung 4TB Portable T7 Shield 3.2 USB-C SSD - Black MU-PE4T0S/WW.

        Part number on OW's website (need to expand Specifications): MU-PE4T0S-WW

      • +2

        Yes. I called the 1300 OFFICE number and they were happy to price beat for $329.65

  • +1

    Showing $618 at catch

  • damn just got an email from catch that they cancelled my order due to a pricing error… can I get anything from this or was my time just wasted lol

    • Order was also cancelled :(

    • +3

      Yeah, mine just got cancelled too! Looks like anyone who got the OW price match got a great bargain today.

    • Mine was cancelled but came up with some rubbish about my payment method not meeting payment verification standards, so they will refund. Used Paypal and never had any issues before, so figured it was a bit of a cop-out with them not wanting to honour the price…

  • +1

    Order refunded. I should've price matched OW but when I called them they said it is out of stock so can't do it.

  • Seeing $618 @ Catch rn…

  • For those that missed out or got cancelled orders, price match digiDirect at JB-HIFI

    • +2

      Seeing $747 in digiDirect.

      • Rip you're right it's been updated, they must've corrected the base site after changing the catch listing

        • They've updated it $497.00

        • Missed the deal, next time maybe =]

          My T7 2TB still has around 200GB to go before full.

  • anyone got screenshot from catch.com.au can share? thanks!!!

    • +1

      Was able to price match with JB HiFi before they updated the price on digidirect. You might be lucky with the screenshot but they normally check as they sent me a screenshot of the price match product.

  • +1

    Sucks I missed out, I've got 2 of these and they're great. Great price.

  • +1

    Those who want to try, here is the screenshot from DigiDirect, I was able to score 2 from them as well as I had it in my checkout cart already.


    • I thought staffs are going to visit digiDirect themselves to confirm the price.

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