[eBook] The Last Horizon Series by Will Wight - Free for Kindle @ Amazon AU

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All three ebooks are currently free.

I haven't read this series yet but enjoyed Will Wight's Cradle series thoroughly.

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  • +6

    Cradle is soooooo good.

    • +1

      Oh man. My mate said it's like crack, you have to just start and you'll be wanting more even when the series is finished. He wasn't wrong!

      These are just as good imo. They are an entirely different beast but his story telling and world building is present like in Cradle, and when finishing up I'm like noooooooo

      • What's the book about/what's good about the Cradle series? I read the Goodreads summary of Unsouled and it sounded a bit like Avatar: The Last Airbender?

        • +1

          It's just a good series about a boy who was basically born with little to no power (compared to his peers) who gets stronger and stronger as the series progresses.

          The first book is the weakest in the series but from there it's a lovely journey full of great characters and moments. Had me laughing out loud a few times as well.

    • I have read it and have been watching a lot of KDrama and CDrama and it runs along the lines of a lot of their fantasy shows….in fact one of them was very similar to this….Once Upon a time in Lingjian Mountain.

  • +6

    If it's like the Cradle series I bought the Kindle books and then upgraded to Audible on each one and it was super cheap, buying the audio books directly was going to be expensive.

    Here's the Amazon US link for those of us that never converted their Kindle accounts to Australia:


    Also it seems he has released a new book set in the Cradle universe chronicling some other stories


  • not showing free to be, asking for 1 credit for each of the book

  • Not freee for me

  • thanks, I already had the first two free and just got the third…..I have only purchased about 3 books out of all the series he has published (the last 3 of the Cradle series). Great reads. Haven't started this series yet though.

  • Not that I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth, but having to grab these and put them through the Calibre grinder so that I can read them on my Kobo is just annoying. Wight doesn't even seem to be available in Kobo bookstore at all. Does he have some sort of exclusivity deal with Amazon?

    Also noting that he's done a full free giveaway of his books before (US): https://www.reddit.com/r/printSF/comments/13wsk48/usakindle_…

    • Buy them on Amazon and then download elsewhere and import to Calibre?

    • +1

      Generally, if you publish to kindle unlimited which most indie authors do, you aren't allowed to sell the book elsewhere.

  • Turns out I already have the first book - looks like based on the date of the order, I must have got it thanks to this deal.

    Thanks OP for the other two!

  • cool, another to add to the reading list.

  • Read all three, they're a lot of fun.

    • Read that as 'reed all three'
      English is a messed up language…

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