This popular mop now on special again.
Same price at JB Hi-Fi for those who has discounted gift cards.
Edit: $174 at The Good Guys via Price Beat Price Beat currently not available on The Good Guys’ website.
This popular mop now on special again.
Same price at JB Hi-Fi for those who has discounted gift cards.
Edit: $174 at The Good Guys via Price Beat Price Beat currently not available on The Good Guys’ website.
You might have particularly hard water; have you tried using deionised water, or distilled water? If you have a dehumidifier you can use the water from that too.
we used filtered, but will give distilled a go next time, thanks for the tip!
you need distilled, filtered doesn’t get rid of the limescale, my filtered water dispenser reminds me everytime i don’t wipe it lol
Sorry for going off topic, if you have a humidifier, which brand/model?
Keen to hear some reviews on this - I regret not picking it up a few months ago when it was posted. We have hardwood flooring.
Love ours on the hardwood floors. The detachable spinning mop is easy to wash too.
Thanks op, will let you know how it works on our wood laminate flooring
Can confirm it works great on wood laminate. I've had 3 different types on steam mops and this is the best one I've used.
it's a steam mop, not a great idea using them on laminate, it'll possibly warp them & melt the adhesive. But if you do use One don't live in the same spot for very long because it also marks them quite easily.
I was told by a flooring bloke to not use steam mops on proper hardwood floors either as the steam get in between the cracks/gaps and warps the edge of the board/causes cupping. And our mesmite/tassie oak flooring suffered from that.
I have the cheaper shark steam mop without the fancy scrubber. I wouldn't spend any extra money on such a gimmick and such an obvious failure point. Steam mops are great, this feature is just to ring some extra cash out of customers.
Thanks. I was wondering how well the much cheaper version worked. If you know, is the Shark mop any better than the similar looking $49 anko version?
that's the one I have
So you haven't used the scrubber version to compare and validate your belief that is a gimmick? I've got a non scrubber steam mop, and it takes a bit of effort to get grime some tough spot grime off sometimes. I think a scrubber would help in those situations.
Yes, there is more force in my upper body that I can transfer downwards through the mop handle against a spot of grime than a rotating pad can deliver.
Sure that's fine if you've got a small section you want to do, but if you have all tile 141m2 open floor plan like me with kids coming in and out from places and the backyard getting it dirty regularly, then the force you're able to apply won't last long, and will encourage or result in injury. Machines like these are made so you don't have to do the hard work, and make life easier as you get older or are just tired from life duties. But please, continue to scrub to your hearts content.
Bought one last time they were on sale. Definitely recommend. Works great
Does it get into corners? Looking at it I am thinking it leaves a triangular area in corners that doesnt get mopped?
I use the Kmart one. The mop is triangular so good for corners. It's just a steam mop though.
Probably get this for cleaning the whole wooden floor.
Doesn't seem to do too bad
Are you using on tiles?
Yes on tiles
How this compare to Tineco Steam mop
we've owned one for a few months, it leaves circular streaks all over our tiles :( I would definately not buy it again.