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10% Cashback ($10 Cap) at Special Gift Cards @ Citibank Rewards


This deal is back again for those targetted.

Get 10% Cashback up to $10 on Special Gift Cards Using Your Citibank My Cashback Offers

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Citibank Australia
Citibank Australia
Special Gift Cards
Special Gift Cards


  • +2

    These are coming in nice and regular right now. Thanks

    • Have you used the offer? I keep getting them on Amex and Citi but as yet have not used. I assumed once you use they don’t send again

      • I’ve had it a few times on Amex and Citi. In fact come to think of it I’ve had it more then once on NaB too

  • Thanks OP! Just checked app to confirm I have the offer also.

  • +1

    Time to buy a $100 Woolies gift card

    • +5

      also not bad to purchase Tech Head
      which can be used in Amazon to purchase other GC
      eg. my favourite is Category Choice Groceries (similar to Shopback Supermarket)

      • Good suggestion, thanks!

      • +1

        I don't see Amazon as the retailer for Tech head or for any category

        • +3

          Just did it myself today, using Special Giftcards Tech Head to purchase GC from Amazon
          so I can confirm its working

        • Did the same, bought a tech head and used Amazon to buy an Airbnb card! How good, hoping to 10% cashback loads quick. Thanks op.

      • Wow cheers mate I did not know that was possible and have now successfully used the tech head card and stacked it with the 8% off ultimate gift card offer on Amazon atm.

      • Would it work to buy Amazon GC?
        10% Amazon GC would be nice

        • +1

          yes it will work

          • @littlesoldier: Hi, could you explain this bit more?
            Im looking to buy a Kindle on Amazon but looking at the tech heads retailers, it doesnt list Amazon? Sorry, new to these special gift cards

            • +3

              @everydayimbargaining: The gift cards sold on the Special website are prepaid Mastercard gift cards that can be used at selected merchants.

              There are two types of Special gift cards:

              • Brand cards: prepaid Mastercard gift cards that only work at specific merchants (e.g. Woolworths, Ritchies IGA, The Good Guys, JB Hi-Fi).

              • Category cards: prepaid Mastercard gift cards that only work at specific merchant categories (e.g. Aussie Explorer, Tech Head).

              The Tech Head gift card is a category card that works at a handful of merchant categories. Special are not transparent about the categories each of their gift cards work at, which makes it hard for us to determine a definitive list of where the gift card works. The list of retailers you are seeing on the Tech Head webpage is Featured Retailers, not a Full List of Participating Retailers. I mean, does it make sense for Special to say Spend at 76,400 retailers on the Tech Head webpage, yet they only list 38 retailers on the same webpage?

              • @WookieMonster: Thanks! Yeah i was confused about the 76400 retailors but thought I could search somewhere to see who would accept it.

                So basically, we will have to rely on others and how successful they have been at applying the gift card at a retailer?

                • +1

                  @everydayimbargaining: The issue is that the MCC (merchant category code) assigned to a merchant is controlled by the merchant's payment provider (not Special) and can change anytime, so there is not really any tool available to search current MCCs of all merchants. I know Visa used to have a tool of historical reports of MCCs, but that has been gone for a while. OzBargain has a wiki page of reported MCCs, but when you scroll through the list, you will see a lot of the MCCs were reported in 2022…

                  I think the best approach for using this gift card is for you or others to attempt to use it at a merchant where it would fit in with the general theme of the gift card. For example, the Tech Head webpage says:

                  The Tech Head Card can be used at music, sound & screen retailers Australia-wide.

                  You could argue that Amazon AU fits in with that, because you can buy music, speakers, computer screens, AV receivers & amplifiers, etc…

                  If you want take a more "scientific" approach, you can have a look at the list of Featured Retailers of the Tech Head gift card and attempt to infer the MCCs that are whitelisted on the gift card and therefore the retailers likely to accept the gift card. For example:

                  • Apple, JB Hi-Fi, Sony and Bing Lee are all listed as Featured Retailers and have been reported to use MCC 5732 (Electronic Stores). If you look at the aforementioned MCC wiki page, other merchants using MCC 5732 include the Google Store, Samsung's website and the ShopBack gift card portal for a small number of gift cards.

                  • Officeworks is listed as Featured Retailers and has been reported to use MCC 5943 (Office, School Supply, and Stationery Stores). That would mean other office supply stores (e.g. Office National) should be permitted on the Tech Head gift card.

                  • The Good Guys is listed as Featured Retailers and has been reported to use MCC 5722 (Household Appliance Stores). That would mean other appliance stores (e.g. potentially Appliances Online) should be permitted on the Tech Head gift card.

                  • There are a number of record stores listed as Featured Retailers, which makes it seem like MCC 5735 (Record Shops) is whitelisted on the Tech Head gift card.

                  Having said that, the risks with this "scientific" approach are:

                  • A merchant may choose to not accept Special gift cards. For example, if a merchant requires a Mastercard to support 3-D Secure before it can be used on their website, the Special gift card will not work, as prepaid Mastercard gift cards are unable to support 3-D Secure.

                  • A merchant may be blocked on Special gift cards. Merchants are able to contact Special and ask them to block them on all Special gift cards, and Special does not seem to publicise a list of merchants who have done this.

                  • A permitted MCC may not be caught at all. For example, Amazon AU has reported in the past MCC 5399 (Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores), which is a catch-all MCC that does not seem to align with any of the existing Featured Retailers.

  • +1

    tbh not much of intention to keep citi cards after they stopped payall
    probably my last cashback deal before cancelling my citi premier

    • I'm also planning to keep until my anniversary is up come mid May and cancel- not worth paying AF as no more payall.

      • -1

        In same boat, currently having premier card for me and my wife.
        These random cashback offers are good along with unlimited priority pass, but don't think it's worth for $700 AF for each.

        I already had a chat to cancel and get pro-rata refund of the AF. Just waiting to find best way to use my 750k points on each card, as points will laps once card is cancelled.
        Thinking to get some gift-cards using points, or transfer to Velocity as planning to go overseas this year, but can't seems to find any good flight deals.
        Without PayAll, $700 annual fee is not worth it for my case.

        • I think there’s a 20% bonus to velocity now? Certainly is for NAB and ANZ. Have to double check if Citi is included. Must activate auto transfer

        • I think you are referring to Citi Prestige rather than Citi Premier

          If you are paying $700 AF for each, better just get a AMEX Platinum Charge ($1450 AF)
          which gives you 2 unlimited priority passes (exclude dining) and unlimited access to Virgin Australia lounges, Plaza Premium lounges and AMEX centurion lounges
          and many other perks like $450 travel credits, $400 dining credits, $399 accor plus, $79 amazon prime etc.

          • @littlesoldier: Oh yes, it's Prestige having $700 AF
            For me it is worth it with "PayAll" feature while priority pass and other offers are additional bonus I can enjoy now and then. But without PayAll, I don't think other benefits are worth $700.
            Thanks for suggesting AMEX Platinum, will have a look at it, but I feel like $1450 AF will be too much compare to the features I can use to get most out of the card, thanks again

  • How quick does the cashback come back? Planning to cancel card in a week…

    • Last round I got it in 5 days.
      Purchased on the 12 Nov 2024, got cashback on the 17 Nov 2024
      But the cashback days varies (the September round took nearly a month)

  • Have got this previously and used it, didn’t get it this time.

  • Can tech Head gc be used to buy at the woolworths gc portal?
    Is that not working anymore?

  • Thanks OP. Will get DIY legend and convert to Bunnings Egift card - that's if the site doesn't reject my payment

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