• expired

Dettol Antibacterial Foam Hand Wash Rose & Cherry Refill 3x900ml $15.72 ($14.15 S&S) + Delivery ($0 Prime/ $59+) @ Amazon AU

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Dettol Foaming Antibacterial Hand Wash is soft on skin, hard on germs
Kills 99.9% of germs
Antibacterial foaming formula with added moisturisers
Suitable for everyday use
Rose and cherry fragrance

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • S&S $14.15 ($0.52/100ml)

  • +3

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the foaming soap just a watered down version of the regular soap? I feel like it would be cheaper if you purchased the regular soap and filled the dispenser with one part soap to 3 parts water.

    • +5

      Yes but we are lazy
      Just like there’s 3 plys on toilet paper, do you use each one separately?

      • -2

        Spot on, for this price why bother diluting it

        • -1

          I mix my own 1/4 so a $5 bottle lasts longer than this 3-pack. Took me over a year to use up a 950ml bottle filling all the dispensers in my house. Foam is a bit thicker than the premixed too.

    • +2

      Not quite.. the formulation will be specific to the runnier application. It may well be a lower dilution of the surfactant components, but the concentration of the antimicrobial/antifungal ingredients will also be adjusted. If you dilute down a regular soap you might find you are also diluting the preservatives below their effective concentration and introducing contaminants with the tap water, which could lead to spoilage over time. For that reason, I wouldn't recommend watering down regular handwash - or at least if you do, try to use distilled water and ensure you only make enough to use up quickly.

      • -1

        Just boil the water first. Haven't noticed any floaties yet.

        • What about the fact the soap is to kill germs also? Companies don't include a 4x factor of active in case people dilute it

          • @Jarrito: Pretty sure the antibacterial isn’t necessary for home use. Washing with soap and water is fine.

            To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not found definitive evidence to show that antibacterial soaps are any better than washing with regular soap and water when it comes to preventing illness.


            • @Cheaplikethebird: You don't necessarily need an antibacterial to apply to your hands, but the product will contain antibacterial and antifungal agents to ensure it doesn't become a breeding ground of pathogens on the shelf. So as you said using boiled or distilled water is a good precaution, as is making small batches and using them up quickly. Just something for people to be mindful of - you're not making the equivalent formulation by diluting regular handwash - the unintended dilution of preservatives / is one such reason.

  • +1

    I think the aldi one is like for like and is $2.99 regular price. Sorry, that is for about half the size, so about the same price as this.

  • +4

    I normally roll with these


    $12.15 S&S

    My kids burn through this stuff like crazy, cheap insurance against el Gastro

    • Thanks for this but what’s the difference? This shows a little more expensive

      • Was $12.15 S&S Perth when I posted

        • Seems different links provide different prices….. really weird. Both available to purchas

          • @Muscles: Yeah miss out on a lot of deal being west coast vs east occasional cheap hand wash a small consolation prize!

      • Looks like one is foaming and the other is not.

    • I bought 2 lots of them when they were $8.75 for 3, still have some left.

  • +3

    $5.24 each at Chemist warehouse if you don't' need 3

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