Have purchased a Layz spa recently, yet to get set up, just need advice on the chemicals.
It’s an inflatable and called Miami if makes any difference and planning on getting a floater for chlorine if needed. I probably need to shock it on first set up which I not 100% sure how to go about it and I may need the following products, but one person will say this is good another this is better and also factor in cost cheaper is always better and easy to get. Bunnings does sell a lot of stuff, but reviews are mixed etc.
So obviously first thing is shocking it what do I get for this? I’m told Bermuda Brom tablets and others say granules as tablets no good for shock. There are a few types? Also test strips also needed again some reviews are crap. I believe you need stuff to improve the chorine or reduce it what is this called? Possibly foam remover which if spa gets foamed up it removes this.
What do you use and why
And yes, I’m aware of fences
Q:Whats a spa without foam?
A: Soup.