• expired

Pay Your Child's Age Entry Fee for February Weekdays @ Crocs Playcentre


Every weekday in February the entry price is just your child's age. Normally $11.50 for 1-2yo, and $14.50 for over 3yo. Nationwide promo.
Kiddies can burn some energy and interact. The ice cream is really expensive though.
Pay Your Age is only open to Mr Croc's Club Members, join below and we'll have your unique code when you visit in store. - It's free to join and you can unsubscribe at any time. No need to book, just have your ticket ready on arrival.

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Croc's Playcentre
Croc's Playcentre


  • -1

    Pay Your Child's Age Entry Fee for February Weekdays

    Mum will not be happy with this !!! 😠

    • 30 yo kid for 14.5, that is cheap

      • -1

        That's the normal price, in Feb, you 'Pay Your Child's Age'

        • -8

          Normal price is not bargain

  • +2


    Youngest turned 2 last month, could have got this for half price in January :'(

  • Do they ask for ID?

    • Wondering the same. I actually haven't used this offer before.

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