Kindle Touch - any good prices in QLD stores?

My mother is currently visiting and has decided she needs a kindle touch (that she has seen hubby playing with.)

She's technologically challenged, so we need to get it from a B & M store so that he can set it up for her before she leaves. She wants to go shopping in the next couple of days, so I realise it's a big ask.

It would have been helpful if she'd announced she wanted one a little over a week ago when they were $130. but it's currently $149 from Dick Smith I'm hopeful we can do better than that.

EDIT A lot of Googling this morning tells me that I'm extremely hopeful, but there's always a chance that someone may know of a better price that I haven't come accross. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Might suggest change in title, as you are

    Asking for a unit ASAP which indicates there is no supply
    Your text says you want it cheaper
    Also indicate your locality, and timeframe. I would guess a cheaper unit in WA would miss the plane…

    The headline is what attracts people to your post.

    • +1

      Ok, thanks ozpete.

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