Please Help Me Clarify The Router Setup for nbn FTTP

Hi all, I'm just helping my Sis setup her internet, we're just waiting for line activation. (I'm helping over the phone from NZ otherwise I'd have figured it out myself in person)

Previously she was with Telstra and just moved to MORE under the commbank promo

They sent us this guide to follow

We're from NZ so the way it works here is you have a ONT box inside the premise (it's both a router and Wi-Fi that's connected to the Fibre line, generally you don't have to configure user/pass as its just done on ISP/exchange end. But you can also just plug in your own router/AP into that setup a Wi-Fi/Mesh network of your own

I would assume the NBN box works similarly?

The pdf above seems weird at Step 5 it says to configure the BYO router but step 1-4 talks about the NBN Box. MORE has also give a username and password saying it needs to be entered in

We have a Google Nest Wifi Pro Home Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System [3-Pack]

So my question is:
1) Do we have to log into the nbn box to do anything
2) If not do we have to connect a router to the NBN box and configure it?
3) If not do we just connect to the nbn via Ethernet and thats done?

Thanks in advance


  • -1

    Once your connection is activated, ring More (not ozb) they will provide you with credentials to login via your router (Mesh), which should be connected to NBN box.

    • They email them to you prior to the cutover.

    • I didn't have to put any credentials in my Deco mesh unit. I just plugged ethernet from NBN box.

      I'm with More on FTTP as well.

      • -1

        I had to, and with FTTP .. same as step 6…

        As @Jv mentioned, they emailed to you.

        • Interesting. I used to enter the credentials when on FTTC but everything is plug and play on the FTTP. Even few months ago I had to reset my Deco and it worked immediately after resetting it.

  • +4

    So my question is
    1) do we have to log into the nbn box to do anything


    2) if not do we have to connect a router to the NBN box and configure it?

    yes, router/Google Nest base units WAN port to the ETH port on NBN 'box' into the port thats been activated (ie port 1)
    Setup router WAN port to be either DHCP/DynamicIP or PPPOE. As More is giving you a user/pwd, would mean their setup is PPPOE.

    • +2

      Cool that's what I was thinking, so more like the ADSL/VDSL days

      The jump between Step 4- 5 confused me, needs to have another step in there saying to "connect the BYO router to the NBN 's UNI-D port"


      • it is indeed missing a step.

        there is a step that is showing the yellow labelled ports but no instructions in plugging anything to that port.

        but in reality that is all you need.

        i connected my Deco mesh to that port and it worked right away…

  • Methinks the Kiwis did their national broadband network rather better and smarter than Australia did. But that's not surprising given ours was adopted based on a proposal done on the back of a drinks coaster.

    • We already have these speeds:

      Thought NZ is smaller so more like 2 of your states, thought we didn't capitalistize on it by incentivizing VFX companies to setup here and work with Weta and AUS movie/TV industry which is quite a shame

  • Steps 1-3 are for More / NBN. You might have to do step 4, could be optional if More has done that.

  • Got it working thanks ya'll, didn't need to enter user/pass, or switch to PPOE,
    Just connected Mesh to NBN, reset both and up and running now (so it's more like Nz's Fiber setup it seems)

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