Recently bought the 4060ITX build from Techfast and started playing Borderlands 3 today.
The task manager shows that the temperature is running at 77 degrees, and the case feels very hot to the touch. Are these kinds of temperatures normal for this PC? Kinda new to this, some people have told me that for a low end GPU like this the temp is too hot so I'm kinda worried. Should turn a fan on near the PC to cool it down?
77 degrees while gaming is nothing. You may hear the fans speed up on the card and this may be alarming, it is alarming really. But it's perfectly normal. I recommend not touching your computer. Basically 100% of the electricity going into the computer is being turned into heat, so when you game and all the chips are running hot because it's consuming much more power than when at idle, it may get a bit warm. Fry an egg on my MacBook sometimes I think.