10 Small Coffees for $40 (Valid within 90 Days of Coupon Purchase) @ The Coffee Club (App Required)



Sale of the 10 coffees for $40.00 pre-paid coupons are final and expire within 90 days of the purchase date (Expiry Date). This offer is only available to be purchased once per customer. The Coffee Club Franchising Company Pty Ltd will not offer any refunds, transfers or extension of the Expiry Date for any failure of the customer to redeem the 10 small coffees or for any unused coupons. The pre-paid coupons are only redeemable for small hot coffees, and cannot be redeemed at The Coffee Club Charlotte Street. Only one $4 coffee coupon can be used per transaction. Surcharges apply for upgrades, extras, add-ons, syrups, and specialty milks, and excludes liquor coffees.

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The Coffee Club
The Coffee Club


  • +12

    $4 each isn’t a deal

  • +12

    Fark me, when did bulk buying a SMALL coffee for $4 a pop become a deal? Glad I've got a coffee machine.

    • -7

      4 to 5k setup to get that 4$ Cafe quality

      • +3

        Nah you can get good coffee machines for around the 600-1100 dollar range obviously wouldnt stand up on industrial use but for your daily coffee drink they can make a quality brew

        I used to barista and the machine they use are 3-20k but the coffee they make can be replicated with much cheaper machines - you just can't make coffee at the speed and volume of the commercial machines but the quality isn't that hard to match if you have good beans and the basic milk frothing skills

        Also domestic units probably have a 2-5 year shelf life whilst the top quality commercial units can last forever if you clean and service them properly this probably isn't the case for domestic units unless you spend like 3-5k for some of the top end Juros etc

        • I have BDB Df83 and another 2 grinders, anyone getting into coffee making at home would still need years of experience, so 4$ is still worth it every once in a while

          • @sqheaven:

            anyone getting into coffee making at home would still need years of experience

            And how many years of experience do you reckon the people serving you at the Coffee Club have?

            Edit: I didn't neg you.

            • @brotherfranciz: Applies to cafes as well. Finding a good coffee outside is also rare. I have been making my own coffee for 10 years now, still mess up my coffee from time to time. Even the trained barista on a 50k setup say that a good shot is a work of God.

          • @sqheaven: Im 'not' saying you shouldnt buy a coffee out for the convenience i often do when im working but you do not need a 5k set up to make places that arw charging 4-5 a coffee

            I mean reckon i make better coffee then most of my local McCafes i certainly make a better coffee then Jacks Cafe (Its next door to my workplace) - that is just with my Breville Brasita Pro at home with DeLongi beans

            Give me the boutique beans >50 a kg and i reckon i can make a latte as good as you would get on Lygon Street

            • -2

              @Trying2SaveABuck: Coffee at home is a bad idea, it's too complicated. I had a 99$ machine and used to buy beans from Starbucks and ask them to grind it for me. Quickly realised I needed a grinder and that the spice grinder won't cut it lol I still have that grinder bought in 2014 Delonghi Kg-79.

              The best thing you can do at home is pour over, filter coffee, French press, aero press. Espresso, I will never get into this hobby and would never recommend it to anyone. That being said, 3 of my friends still got in and now we have a small coffee circle lol One of them killed his Barista Pro, my ex coffee machine.

              I am all about saving money, but, you can never replace a good Cafe/coffee experience (not daily, maybe monthly lol).

              • @sqheaven: look if you have a 'good' and i mean 'high quality' cafe next to you - then i can see you point i personally love a 'good coffee'

                but most places charging 5 bucks a coffee arent at 'top' barista level - i dare say the person working at most 'coffee clubs' is aged 15-22 and couldn't care that much on the quality of the coffee being served

                ill also note placed like McCafe/Jakes Cafe, coffe club, doughtnut king and even some gloria jeans etc all charge upwards over 5 dollars for a regular coffee and i have had coffees from these places i didnt think was worth 2 dollars honestly speaking it is 'hit or miss' on who is makings the coffee

                i reckon with my unit at home i can make a cup better then most 'average' cafes but the 'few' top top top quality ones are obviously worth the cost but outside of the CBD and places like Lygon and Chaple Street i doubt you will find places that make coffee of the quality im talking about

                however as i have gotten older i mostly drink 'long blacks' and as long as the beans are good it isnt hard to make a good long black

                Anywhere in the burbs or regional you would struggle to find a 'really' good coffee

                • @Trying2SaveABuck: Melbourne has a very strong coffee culture, most of the time I buy beans from there. I have only been there once back in 2016 and found great cafe coffee. I think as long as you follow the process, you should be fine. One of my friend has a Barista Express and does only long black, he's extremely satisfied. He's also lactose intolerant lol

                  Tbh with you, there are burrs which are only for long blacks. SSP multi purpose for 500 to 600$ alone. Do you think gear doesn't matter? I think it does.

                  • @sqheaven: i live in Melbourne and 'yes we have a strong' coffee culture but we 'no longer' have the same passion

                    this might come off as racist but once upon a time we had Italians, Turks and Greeks owning and running shops - they loved coffee and wouldnt serve a cup that they wouldnt drink themselves this drove and pioneered the culture we have today which i honestly believe 'has faded' a bit

                    Lyon St was essentially a late night street cafe in which people would go at 1am to have Olive Bread a Latte and a chat….but im sad to say some of that is dying the older generation has mostly sold up and the young generation of migrants children have gone off got educated and are now bankers, laywers, Doctors etc [i look at myself i went to uni got a degree and a masters despite being from a multi generation of farmers and tradesmen]

                    the current crop of migration is not from 'coffee loving' cultures ie Indians, Sri Lankens, Chinese etc [bar maybe Ethopians they seem to love a good strong coffee] they do not have a passion like the Europeans did and thus we still have 'some great' cafes but they are WAY more rare then they were and we have a lot of 'rubbish' coffee shops or places happy to 'charge' for a quality they are not delivering.

                    Gear obviously matters but you can make a 'good' cup of coffee with a decent manual unit [as i said 600-1200 will get you one] if you are talking 'fully automatic' then you need to spend a lot more [i have never had an automatic unit but my inlaws do have a very expensive Juro which does a good job] - if i was to be critical of my home machine i would need a much better grinder with setting to get 'exactly' what i want but im happy with what i got and in all honesty i wouldnt have a coffee shop within 10km of my house that makes a 'really good' cup of coffee but im out in the bum broke western burbs land known as Melton so that does not say much lol

                    • +1

                      @Trying2SaveABuck: Haha I totally get it, yes the coffee bean is also dying due to climate change and unfortunately we are all contributing lol

                      Stick with the Barista Pro, buy good beans to switch taste, Delonghi beans are roasted in NSW Silverwater, near my place. The water also matters, try the spring water or that alkaline water maybe from Coles or Woollies lol I now only use spring water.

                      If you can, try the pour over. It gets cold very quickly but the taste is better than long black, maybe not as strong but I really like pour overs. 10 - 20$ setup 😂

      • Get out of town, coffee club is out there with one of the worst coffee beans.

      • Let's be generous and assume it's a $1200 machine, it will pay for itself in less than a year.

  • Will stick with my Breville thanks.

  • 7/11 $1.50

    I'd rather a machine make my coffee than a 17yr old

    • I too like 7/11 coffee, wondering if you’ve been to 7/11 that has oat milk. I was told some stores do it but yet to find any - lactose intolerant sucks

      • +1

        hmmm i just have normal milk. the 7/11 i goto is near a trains station so have high turnover so the bean/milk are quite fresh always

  • +1

    And expiry? Ouch

  • Terrible ‘offer’ - would hesitate to even call this a deal

    • A deal for no brainer.. not ozbargainer..

  • Coffee Club are the worst after changing their 2 for one coffee's, to buy one coffee the second one is a $1, plus jacking up my year membership from $15 a year to $3 a month won't be re-joining them that's for sure. I wish them well in their upcoming bankruptcy.

    • Exactly, not to mention being charged for the milk on the 'free' coffee too. The shift to the monthly subscription seems pretty desperate.

  • $4 for a small coffee when you have to pay for it all at once is not a deal…

  • I bought a fully auto machine and buy decent beans. Since that date every single coffee I have had to buy out of the kitchen has tasted like bitter slop. Not worth 4c let alone $4.

    The machine has almost paid for itself.

  • Haha, tough crowd! Thought it'll help soften the hip pocket for those who don't want to ditch shop-made coffee just yet, seeing as they're pretty popular whenever I walk past.

    Never change, Ozbargainers, never change.

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