• out of stock

[Ex Display] Herman Miller Aeron Size B (Showroom Demo) $1356 (Normally $1595) + Delivery @ Living Edge


NOTE: the 4 chairs have actually now sold

Second-time deal poster, long time seeker of HUGE D's!
Love HUGE Deals!

Living Edge furniture has a few new items at their online clearance store including your guys fav chair, the Aeron

There's some other cool chairs for you guys to take a look at:
Vantum Gaming Chair 2.0, Flare

Vantum Gaming Chair 2.0, Helio

Embody Gaming Chair, Black & Cyan

Pratone Forever, Green Apple Armchair

Hope you like and appreciate my second deal post. My first one was a pricing error so this is my redemption.

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Living Edge
Living Edge


  • -4

    Wtf at the prices… they better be made of gold at that price

    • +18

      If you have to ask this question, then you obviously don't know about those OzBargain members who are chair snobs.

    • +2

      got a used mirra about a year ago, there's nothing like it

      • How much?

        • I bought a Mirra for 550, excellent chair for my back, very supportive. Well worth getting a second hand one

        • around 500 but have seen them go for cheaper.

    • +2

      There are some that swear by these, and others that hate them. I'm the latter and find them quite uncomfortable in the office board room. I don't care if they're ergonomic or meant to be good for my back, they're simply not comfortable even when adjusted.

      …and no, they're not worth $1,500 for what they are. It's massively inflated pricing because people keep paying.

      • +6

        The build quality is very good though. I have had mine for over 13 years and it's still going strong. Lifetime cost so far works out to be $100 a year.

        • +2

          The build quality is very good though

          If a chair breaks down that easily, you have a weight issue lol, my previous work had them, the only good thing is that they are fully adjustable.

          Build quality-wise, I have noticed a few had armrest cracks but usually get replaced with the warranty.

          You don't need this if you can find a chair that fits you perfectly, having said that, these are great in an office environment as we all don't come in the same size but same time, gets annoying when someone else sits on it and adjusts it, for the price, this should come with memory function like cars LOL.

    • +4

      Mate you are clearly not the target audience.
      These are made for people that sit behind a desk 8 hours+ everyday for 40 years of their life

      • +5

        Then they need to grab Mercedes seats for 50 bucks from car yards.

        • Volvo seats > all

    • +2

      I've owned one since the retail price was around 1200 1300, it lasts long

  • +1

    If pick up was available in melb I’d have pulled the trigger

  • +1

    Embody $1691 too

  • +18

    Have two aerons. Yes the price is cooked but yes somehow they are also worth it. Beds, chairs, shoes and tyres are not places to save money. Anything that separates you from the ground is worth a quality pick.

  • oos

  • Error: Only "0" items in stock. Selected quantity for "Aeron Graphite Chair, Size B" cannot be added to the cart

  • +3

    Legend, managed to nab a Logitech embody. Been wanting one for years but the price has always been stupid.

    • Have you ever tried one out?

  • -1

    Anyone buy this one from Aldi today and can comment on the quality?


  • +1

    "Your shopping cart cannot be ordered since one or more of the products in your cart are not available in the requested quantity. Please check availability for each product. "

  • Anyone heard of recess chairs?


    Can’t afford a herman miller

    • Might take you a little bit but keep an eye out for well regarded second hand chairs for that price range. Get yourself a steam/spot cleaner and away you go

  • +6

    Everyone should get the Pratone linked above. It's only 14K on sale to have a bunch of green fingers shoved up ya bum. Not even sure if it's a chair tbh.

    • I don't understand… How do you even sit on it?

      • I don't think you're meant to?

  • I've got one and these are over rated imo.

  • +1

    Just from my own experience, but the Embody display I've tried at Living Edge in my local city while I was chair shopping, all the "adjustment" points were all very stiff, almost like they weren't working correctly. Vaguely remember asking the staff to assist because it seemed difficult, and even they were like a bit surprised as to why it was so tough to adjust.

  • +1

    So ex display and only 200off?what about the seat marks?

    • They're a feature

    • No, they are $2400 new… It was reduced to $1595 from $2400 as it was ex-display… then an extra 15% off the discounted price…
      It's a total saving of $1000

  • I’ve purchased a second hand Aeron back in 2019 for $670. The chair was less than 2 year old. Luckily the seller gave me the original receipt.

    Couple of months ago, I rang up and requested for a warranty repair and they came to my house to replace the seat mesh.

    HM warranty lasts for 12 years and I think it’s worth the price.

    • Did you go direct via HM or an authorized retailer for warranty claim? I was under the impression they've been increasingly strict on making sure you're the original purchaser and have been reluctant to pull the trigger on a few second hands for this reason, bit bummed I missed out on this one as I checked the exit store just the day before.

      • +2

        I was lucky enough that the receipt was enough as a proof of purchase even it wasn't under my name. The seat pan alone would cost at least $350 without installation / labour / shipping.

        Some people would be happy with a $100 chair but I WFH 100% so it's like an investment to my setup and wellbeing.

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