Trojan TJE8040 235mm Smoothing Plane $10 (Was $49.88) In-Store Only @ Bunnings


Hack away at your latest project with a cost price smoothing plane!

No longer available online. In store only.

Comes with a lifetime guarantee

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  • +12

    This deal seems a bit flat.

    • +26

      Knot bad. I'm still trying to come up with a pun that woodwork.

      • +10

        Your jokes are cutting it a bit thin.

        • +7

          These puns are terrible, plane and simple

          • +5

            @jgeddy: If you're strugglin to jam in another pun you could shave a bit more off the side.

            • @rodgyramjet: These puns are truly polished to perfection. I hope people aren't starting to get board with them.

      • +1

        I'm sure you'll be able to scrape something together…

  • +6

    Have this thing. Its honestly rubbish. Very ordinary.

    • +2

      You may be right as I have no experience with this brand however learning how to sharpen and adjust the correct depth on these things isn't something you pick up straight away.

      If the steel blade is poor quality it will be useless. You'll be forever sharpening it.

      • +2

        Craftright is to SCA, as Trojan is to ToolPro - cheap tools with a "lifetime guarantee" but perfectly adequate for weekend warrior use

        I've never had to claim one of these lifetime guarantees so I don't know exactly how they work, but I'll usually pay the few extra dollars for the Trojan brand if I won't be using it a lot and can't justify spending big. I've been through a couple of cheap craftright mallets for example, so the last one I bought I got the Trojan fully expecting it to break and Bunnings just giving me a new replacement but the damn thing hasn't broken. Actually liked it so much when I needed a white one I went straight for it.

        I expect the blade on the planer to be pretty bad though

        • +6

          I'm a believer in cheap tools where it doesn't matter, and a mallet is a great example.
          A surface plane needs to be micro adjustable, take a precise edge and have no play in the adjustment.
          I don't think you can cut corners on manufacturing and still deliver those attributes.

        • Just curious in what use case you would need a "white mallet"?

          • +2

            @ozhunter68: Because they're softer than black mallets and non marring. For example when you're hitting your prybar in to remove skirting/archs etc, black ones you hit the wall a tiny bit and suddenly you've got a big black streak you need to repaint, white ones don't leave the mark. Shelves, cabinetry etc.. no black marks on white surfaces. Typically anything metal use a harder black one, anything softer or light coloured use a white one

            • @AngryAlfred: Did not think of that at the time, but now you mention it I did see a few different types a while ago.

      • +10

        Blade quality is awful. Adjustment knob is knurled to the extent that it leaves sharp points. The adjustment lever is also badly finished with sharp edges. The chip breaker seems to be made of compressed takeout containers (the metal ones, not the plastic ones - only the best for this tool of terror).

        If you're an experienced woodworker, you probably have a decent plane already. Don't be fooled into the "I'll get this to do just this one job." If you've got a rough piece of timber to recycle, spend the time to denail it (a handheld metal detector wand is a far better investment) then use your good plane.

        If you're a beginner, this thing will put you off the whole idea of woodworking. I suppose in that way it could be a deal, because it would prevent you from moving on to purchasing other, better quality tools and spending silly amounts of money over the years.

        In summary - don't buy it.

        • +3

          Yep. Totally agree. The only thing this is good for is taking the blade out and giving it to your child/grandchild/etc to play pretend with you whilst you are doing real woodworking.

          If you want a cheap plane, buy a Luban (say from mcjing) and search youtube for how to tune it up.

          • +1

            @ASA: Because I am autistic I read that as giving your child a blade to play with. But I agree, this thing is like trying to plane with a lawnmower.

          • @ASA:

            If you want a cheap plane, buy a Luban (say from mcjing)

            That appears to be literally over 2000% more expensive.

            • @KentT: Hmmm, I had it in my head they were around $100. Still a lot cheaper than a Lie Nelson or Veritas :)

  • +3

    In store only deals kill me when I have this sweet OnePass free shipping sitting here

  • Dammit bought the cheaper $30 one a few weeks back

    • Cheaper by negative 200%

  • That's plane crazy!

  • Does this plane need to look out for helicopters?

    • +2

      Too soon. Trump has already worked out the cause.

      • +1

        Even worse, apparently the blackhawk pilot wasn't a straight white male.
        So DoD are refusing to release the pilots details last I saw, because maga's gona maga.

        • +1

          At one point they named a trans pilot, then the person that was named said "Eh, hello guys, I'm still alive. I wasn't on board."

  • +1

    Too soon mate, I wooden repeat that joke again.

    • If they rubbed some paraffin wax on the plane it woulda coulda shoulda just slipped right past and everything would be fine!

  • +1

    Buy a second hand Stanley that's pre-60s and rehab it yourself (plenty of videos in YouTube for complete beginners), and you'll likely have a great tool for life.

    Junk quality planes are NEVER worth it.

  • Scanned just now at $ 5 at Marsden Park Bunnings.

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